Chapter 12: questions

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I hate him! I hate him! I hate him!!!!!

He's such an ass.
I can't believe he made me do that. Ughhhhh.
I'm so mad and upset and feel like crying but also feel like smashing his face. God help me!!!

That asshole almost made me cry twice today!!!

I hate him!
I hate him!!!!!

End of recap

Jungkook's POV

I can't believe she actually had guts to do that.

Oh my god!

And I thought she would disagree with me, argue with me and prove me wrong about her being so almighty. I thought she was gonna show me how week she is but this girl nearly stripped her clothes off!!! I was the one wrong all along, should have understood that she had the courage and guts to do nasty things because apparently it's all passed down to her from generation and by generation I actually mean her FATHER!!! That piece of shit.

There's no way I can execute my plan with her being so brave and almighty. I need to be the dominant one in this game. Not her. They all have to play by my rules.

My rules...

Next morning

Eunha's pov

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off.

I now understand the pain of having to wake up early. Ugh so irritating.

I dragged my sleepy self to the bathroom next door.

Ugh I miss my room already. It had my own personal bathroom and stuff.

I quickly did my morning routines, hopped in the shower and after cleansing my body I quickly changed into another one of those slutty dress.

Heading back to my room, i watched myself in the mirror.

I may look like a slut but I still look good.

Yeah that's the spirit Eunha.
You go girl.

My inner conscience is right.

I brushed my hair and applied lip balm that I had backed in my makeup bag.

So natural. I like natural looks because it makes me feel and look refreshed.

After all the morning hustle, I quickly rushed down stairs, trying not to be late and not knowing what to do.

So what do I do? Like make breakfast or get his stuff ready for work? Or...

WAIT!! Hold up.

I notice something on the small stylised table beside the sofa. I knelt down and picked it up. It was a ring. A mans ring with a shiny emerald on it. As I observed it further, I realised there was a carving of a dragon inside it.

This ring is very familiar. The guy is familiar as well...where have I seen him? Well apart from accidentally hitting his car and all. Where else have I seen him?

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