Chapter 34: Complications

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Oh no, what do I do now?!!
I can't serve this porridge to his mum. They'll find out my entire scheme.

I've heard of karma is a bitch but never thought that this bitchy karma would hit me before I could even excute my plan.

Ugh Jeon Jungkook!!!

End of recap

Kim's pov

"Maid what are you waiting for? Serve us breakfast." boss took his seat and waited for Miss Eunha to serve the porridge that she added a whole lot salt into.

She was hesitant but was left with no choice. I could sense the fear roaming in her eyes as she slowly yet hesitantly took the porridge out in the bowls and set it into a stray. My eyes travelled to see boss watching her in annoyance. He was glaring at her for being slow like a snail.

Her hands shaked from fear as she held onto the sides of the tray which eventually made sounds. Seeing this sir suspected that something was wrong yet before he could acknowledge it, I stuck my foot out slightly and hooked it with Miss Eunha's when she passed by. The result was of course unpleasant as the hot porridge fell on the hard floor and splattered on the furnitures. Luckily I was able to catch Miss Eunha before she could fall and injure herself.

Thank god I saw her dumping the salt in the porridge before anyone could see or else poor Miss Eunha would have been a dead meat. And the predator would be no else but our boss. Besides we bodyguards have always been around boss and we know his nature. He's more of our friend, a family than a boss and it always hurt to see him sad and cold but since the arrival of Miss Eunha he has been smiling lately. Our boss's cold heart is melting and surely we won't do anything or let anything come between them.

"Kim release her this instant!"
Sir jumped out of his seat like an angry bird.

"Yes sir".

I pulled her to her feet as she nervously watched the mess.

Someone's jeoulous. I should tell the others that boss finally has feelings.

Eunha's pov

Oh no, what do I do now? This time Kim saved me but what about this mess? Jungkook sure is angry.

I watched as he got out from the dinning area and approached me.

"Are you alright?" he began observing me. His sudden actions made me a little uncomfortable since he was glaring at me like 30 seconds ago and is now concern for me? Wow.

"I- I'm okay", I manged to say as I  escaped from his grasp. I bowed to his mother and apologised for being clumsy.

As soon as my eyes met hers, I saw her smiling.

"It's okay, it's just porridge, it's not like it will kill anyone. No need to bow to me. Accidents happen." she smiled and got out of her seat.

"I'll cook something else then", I smiled but before I could take another step, I was stopped.

"Its ok dear, I will make something. Its been, years since my son has tasted my food. Let me prepare breakfast".
I simply nodded with a smile as she made her way to the kitchen.

"Oh Kim tell all the kids outside that they'll all have breakfast with us".

"Oh thank you my lady, I will tell them straight away", Kim happily fled away.

Wow, she's so.....nice. She speaks so softly and politely. She even cares for the guards outside, treating them like her own kids.

Compared to Jungkook, she's nicer. How did jungkook even end up as her son? *smh*

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