Chapter 37: Death Wish

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I ran back in the mansion to only see Jungkook quarling with his mother. They stopped when they saw me. I was crying. He looked worried for the first time and tried approaching me as I cried but before he could, I ran upstairs to my room.

I slammed the door shut and slid down crying against it.

Can this day get any worse?

End of recap

Eunha's Pov

Time passed by, the clock tik toking against the white wall. Throughout the period I cried and lost track of everything. I fell asleep hugging my knees with dried tears.

That is when a voice rang in my ear, waking me up.

It was...evening now. Wow how long was I out for?

I sat on the damn cold floor in confusion when..

"Eunha! Eunha come out!"


I quickly got up and rushed to the window to only see dad stomping his way towards the main entrance with mum trying to stop him.

What's going on?

I quickly freshened up and ran downstairs to only see Jungkook seated on the sofa. Still in his work attire. Ms Jeon was in the kitchen, with my presence both of them turned to look at me. Jungkook stood up almost instantly at my arrival. He wanted to talk to me I guess, but I had nothing to discuss with him.

Before he could utter a word, dad's voice rang in the house.

"Eunha! Jeon Jungkook! Come out!"

Dad barged in through the main entrance door with mum pulling his arm. Trying to stop him. He looked outraged. Worry written over his face.

"Eunha", he stomped my way and hugged me. Dad patted my head and parted away, observing my neck.

It left him speechless but it didn't take him long to replace it with rage.

"What did this bastard do to you?!"
He grabbed Jungkook by the collar and I swear my breath hitched.

Narrator's pov

"You bastard, how dare you do this to my daughter!! I'll kill you!" Mr Jung flew a punch at Jungkook, who was quick enough to dodge it.

Instead Jungkook gave a fitful to Mr Jung and the old man fell on the hard floor.

"DAD!!" Eunha quickly helped her father up. Mrs Jung was left speechless with widened eyes. In fact all the females in the house were left speechless.

"Dad stop!" Eunha pulled Mr Jung's arm to prevent him from continuing when he got up on his feet to punch Jungkook.

"Dad no!" she quickly stood in front of Jungkook, her back facing him with her arms rested out. Stopping her dad from continuing. Knowing the fact that it will only bring her father trouble in the end.

"Dad please stop, you-you don't know what he's capable of", the poor girl pleaded.

"I know exactly who he is. He's a Mafia, a murder! A rapist! He raped you didn't he?"

Eunha shook her head in response, trying to stop everything.

"Don't be scared Eunha, I'll kill him today. Your dad is still healthy enough to fight people like these and keep you all safe from harm. I'll kill you today you bastard--H-hey let go of me!!".
Mr Jung's words were cut off when 2 huge guards came in and dragged him outside, as per Jungkook's command.

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