Chapter 7: found you

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There was a pause as I heard heard nothing but pin drop silence before it was broken.

"11 years passed after........what happened".
She spoke. Although I could sense the crack in her voice.She was about to cry but managed to hold it in.
Seeing this I quickly embraced her in my arms.

My tears decided to flow again but I wiped them off.
Exchanging it with a burning desire.

"Don't you worry Mum, I promise they will all pay".
I gritted my teeth while remembering that man.

She didn't say anything but I understood her answer.

"I love you Mum".

"I love you too son".

End of recap

1 week later...

Jungkook's pov

"Son, I have decided".

I looked up at Gdad, from the opposite side of the dinning table.

"And whats that?" I asked, shoving a spoonful of cereal in my mouth.

"I am going to retire".

I cocked an eyebrow, trying not to laugh at the situation.

"Gdad, you're not even at the age to retire, stop scaring me".

His smile disappeared, exchanging with a annoyed one.

"Yah, I'm human too ok, 11 years of my life gone! Because of raising a child. Now it's time for me to relax you know, go to Hawaii, meet some chicks and just re-l-ax". He folded his arms and looked up, afar, thinking about his 'not gonna happen plans'

I placed my spoon down and spoke my thoughts out.

"I'm pretty sure those chicks are gonna run away just by learning who your son is". I slay a smile and rose my arms in victory. As if praying to god.

"Yah don't think you're all that, I may be old but I'm still gold".
He grinned goofily.

"Yeah right".
I threw a cereal at him.

"Nah but seriously, I'm gonna transfer everything to you, I had enough of this life son and I think it's time for you to take over".

He was serious about it, honestly I had nothing to say to that, I've always known that a day like this would come when he would make me the leader but I've never expected it so soon.

"Thanks dad".

"That's my boy". He leaned over and ruffled my hair. While I whined in annoyance.

"You're destroying my hair style". I gritted my teeth.

"You call that style?".
Did he just mock my style?

Oh that's it...

I opened my mouth to protest when Mum came in the scene.

"You both are a disgrace."
She walked in with arms folded.

"All you two know is how to shoot a gun, did you both ever try to learn the real life?"

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