Chapter 26: You Were My First.

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"Stop the car!" I demanded.

"Or what?" he challenged.

That's it.

Unfastening the seat belt, I crawled my way to his lap. The car vigorously halted. Luckily he held onto my waist, securing me from getting hurt.

Sitting on his crouch, I watched his priceless reaction.

"Oh you shouldn't have done that", his gaze darkened.

End of Recap

Eunha's pov

Well that worked.

Just when he was about to say something, he was cut off by Jackson's yelling who approched the car.

"uhhhh..... ", he stood there confused. Not able to utter anything.

That's when I realised that me sitting on Jungkook wasn't appropriate to the viewer. I tried withdrawing from the situation by reaching to the door to get out. However Jungkook deliberately held onto my waist tightly, making me struggle. He pulled me closer until our faces were inches apart. His usual smirk plastered on his face as he cocked an eyebrow teasingly.

You're so annoying!

I puched him hard in his gut making him instantly release me. I faked a smile and so did he as if nothing happened.

Serves you right.

I got out of the car followed by Jungkook who's hand gently soothed his belly.

"O.....k......",Jackson was out of speech.

"Jackson what a pleasant surprise-....".

"Why are you here?".

I was cut off by a rude Jungkook who directly came to the point.

"I was lonely and wanted to spend time with you", Jackson cutely answered.

"Stop being gay. You sound like a clingy girlfriend".

"Tsk, you know you love me anyways", Jackson teased.

I suppressed my laughter but unfortunately got caught by both of them.

"It's not funny," Jungkook glared at me as I kept watching Jackson behind him making weird faces.

Unable to hold it in, I burst out laughing.

"I'm sorry Jackson's way too funny". I laughed like an idiot followed by Jackson who was enjoying my reaction. Whereas Jungkook simply stood among us, irritated. A poker face replaced his previous expression. He tucked his hands in his pockets and left us behind. Proceeding to the mansion, shaking his head in annoyance.

Me and Jackson made our way to the mansion or should I say a massive beach house which was big enough to be considered as a Manor. Now that I have noticed, the place is exquisite. It has got a very modern exterior. The glass walls and white exterior looks amazing with a large swimming pool and other facilities. I helplessly gawked at the place when I realised that this is built near a cliff. My feet took control and led me to the edge where I saw a beautiful, golden sandy beach. Sure it was a cliff but it wasn't that high. We could've walked down to the beach.

"It's beautiful..", I muttered in admiration.

"It is," I heard Jackson say. I turned to only see him smiling at me, making me smile along.

We talked as he showed me around the place like a tour guide and we were both aware that Jungkook wasn't gonna do that so he did instead. The sunset was beautiful. God I really needed this. I closed my eyes and felt the moment. It was everything I wished for as a teen. To be able to go to an unknown place with someone dear. Have a scenery of the beach and a beautiful sunset.

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