Chapter 20: Party

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The entire night I couldn't sleep. I just couldn't stop thinking about what he did earlier. His arm was still holding onto me tightly, I tried my best to release myself but that only made him tighten his grip on me. I laid there helplessly.

I am utterly disgusted by him and myself. I just hate him, I hate him with all my heart, how could he do this to me?


With no energy left, my eyes got heavy and sleep consumed me.

End of recap


Jungkook's pov

No please, save her. Save my mother!

How am I supposed to pay for the expenses?

I'm only 9

Please! she's dying, save her!

Save her!


My eyes shot open at the nightmare only to witness the girl lying in my arms.

Nightmare, it was only a damn nightmare Jungkook.

*breathing heavily*

Oh my god.

*closes eyes and than opens them, trying to relax himself*

Too bad the nightmare was once true. Which haunts me till this day.

My eyes landed on the fragile body lying in my arms once I snapped out of my state. Her back against my solid chest, as my arms secured her body.

I leaned forward to see her face full of dried tears and everything came tumbling down to me.

We...we did it last night.


How could she? How could she just turn out like this? I thought good of her. I.... thought she was the same cute girl I used to know. The Eunha I've always wanted to see isn't there anymore.


She did it with Jimin! She even did it with that other guy. God how many of them has she even slept with for money?

*sighs in frustration*

A slut.

A fucking slut!!

She stooped down so low for money that she became a slut!

Was I really that bad? Did I not give her enough? Was 10 thousand a month not good enough? Was providing necessities for her family not good enough? Was giving them shelter not good enough? I swear this bitch is surely something.

But again, what was I even expecting? She is from the same dirty blood as her father and greed is something that runs in their family. God, can these people do anything for money?

Looks like your weekness became my strength Eunha and now I'll use it against your family.

11 years.

I've been planning for 11 fucking years.

I vowed that I will seek revenge and bring your father down to my feet the day I found out about your father's intentions and wrong doings. Looks like now I'll have a double meal since you decided to join in and mess with me Eunha. You'll all pay.


Besides I did need someone to satisfy my wants and looks like you're the one.


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