Chapter 9: welcoming doom

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Lonely cold nights without anyone by your side, watching your father die in front of your eyes, watching your Mum lay like a lifeless body has surely made me cold from inside out. And let me tell you, it's not pleasant. I can be a monster with bad people and an angel with good but for these people, I'm willing to get to my lowest point where I'll make them cry tears of pain. From this cruel man, all I want to take away is his pride and crush it between my fingers and that's my promise to you Jung.

I'll do it, just watch how I play with your daughter and mess with your head. I'm sure you'll die out of grief just by trying to save her.

The game has begun...

End of recap

Jungkook's pov

Loosening my scarf, I watched everything that legally belong to me now. The calm white interior with gold features. The stairs that I've once walked on. The same shiny chandelier, the same living room with its expensive furnitures. The classy ornaments. It was just like I've imagined it to be. Just as beautiful as 11 years ago. My eyes traveled up to the room on the second floor. I slowly walked up the staircase, only to stand in front of the familiar door, the office.

I pushed it slightly, opening it in the process. It was exactly like it was years ago maybe apart from the massive wall like bookshelf that was placed behind his table. Jung's chair was neatly placed in front of his table with 2 chair opposing his with only a barrier of the glass table in between. I walked towards his office chair and took a seat on it. The feeling of being satisfied and the feeling of being powerful hit me. I closed my eyes to feel this moment. The satisfaction ran in me. I've finally done it! I've finally reached my goal, the goal to destroy him. My eyes opened to view the 2 chairs in front of me. The same chair on the right that I sat on while he interrogated me 11 fucking years ago! The same table that he planned my life on like the other people. Including my fathers. Who he killed with his bare hands! I ran my hand through it's glass. This glass top office table...holds mysteries.

While observing it, my eyes met with a frame. 2 picture frames that was placed at the corner of his table. One with him and his family while the other with only his daughter...Eunha.

I picked it up and leaned back on the chair, dominantly watching her. The smile was the same, those beautiful eyes were the same, those luscious pink lips and beautiful brown hair. The beautiful face and the body was surely alluring.

Too bad that this beautiful face doesn't hold the beautiful personality within. What she holds is the arrogance and bitchiness that she had received from an asshole of a dad!

I placed the picture frame back to its original position and exited the office. Strolling down the hallway, observing each and every detail until a door caught my attention. The door knob was different and creative from all.

Opening it, I was greeted by a beautiful room with soft coloured interior of beige...or was it peach?

Either way, the room was creatively decorated and placed. The queen bed with white covers. The closet that no longer held her clothes which is pretty stupid since she's will come back here tomorrow anyways but no...miss smarty pants wants it her way. Very well than.

I exited her room, gently closing the door with a click and headed to strolled further towards the double grand doors that faced me directly.

A smirk crossed my lips already knowing who's it was. Walking down long hallway, I finally stood in front of it. Twisting both knobs and pushing it in, I was greeted by a grand room. Probably the largest one in this mansion. The interior was different, it wasn't soft colours, it was mainly red and white.

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