Chapter 18: Caught

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He closed the door as I sat on his bed. His bedstands were loaded with papers and files.

"So what do you wanna talk about? I asked.

He huffed and sat next to me.

"Marry me Eunha", his words took my breath away even though I knew he would one day ask me that.

End of Recap

Eunha's pov

"Jimin, look I don't think of you as anything else but my best friend. We're childhood friends Jimin. And I don't think of you as anything more than that. I'm sorry but the answer is no".

His face drained colours and he tried not to face me.

"No matter how hard I try, you will always reject me." he laughed to himself.

I feel so bad but it's the truth. I really don't feel anything else for him.

"Well it's OK", he faced me. Faking a smile.

"I'm sorr-"
I tried saying but he cut me off.

"It's OK, it... doesn't matter, just know that I'll always have your back." he took my hands in his and smiled but that smile wasn't genuine, he was hurt inside.

"Well anyways would you like something to drink?" he asked and i knew straight away that he needed time alone for a bit. So I said yes.

"You make nice coffee, I'd like a coffee please". I smiled.

"Sure", he smiled and left.

I sat on his bed for a while before he came back with a tray that had 2 cups of coffees. He handed me my cup although it slipped from my grasp and the hot coffee fell on my leg.

"ahhh!!" I screamed in pain.

Oh my god it burns so bad.

"Shit". He cursed and quickly took me to the bathroom.

"Hurry, wash your leg with cold water", he said.

I did as told and washed my leg with cold water, it stung for a while but than started to soothe.

"shit I'm so sorry Eunha. I should have been more careful".

Concern filled his eyes.

"Its not even your fault Jimin, I was the one who was too clumsy".

He still gave me a sorry look before carrying me in his arms to the bed.

He placed me there and searched for something.

"I'll put on some gel to soothe it".

He sat on the bed with a tube of some sort of gel while taking some out.

As soon as his fingers touched my leg, it set my skin on fire and I couldn't help but cry in pain.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, but I have to put this on or else you'll have scars." he didn't want to do it but had no choice.

I moaned because of the pain shooting from my leg.

"a-ah Jimin, it hurts".

"It'll be over soon, I promise".

"no, stop it hurts a-ah".

He stopped and went to wash his hands.

"you'll be just fine, endure it a bit and it'll take all the pain away."

I watched him with my teary eyes.

"look I'm sorry, but it'll reduce the pain OK?" he cupped my cheeks as I nodded in response.

After the incident, we forgot about his proposal since there was no use talking about it and he was too busy looking after me.

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