Chapter 25: Thailand

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"Did you just.... call me horny? Oh that's it!"

Kill me already.

I kept my head down through the entire process as I heard laughter and both of them were running around.

Even though I couldn't see them, I could hear the happiness in sir's voice. This is the first time after so long I have heard him genuinely laugh as miss Eunha tried escaping from him in annoyance.

He may not know this but love is in the air.

End of recap

Jungkook's pov

I chased her for the past 10 mins as she giggled and kept running away while poking her tongue out at me. She quickly entered the bedroom as I was hot on her heels.

"Stop I'm tired," I heard her say as we stood opposing each other with a well made bed in the middle.

With a swift move, I pushed her on the bed and laid beside her. Both of us huffing like crazy maniacs.

"No more, I'm tired, I'm tired" she spoke as she tried catching her breath.

Just a glance was enough to tell me she was tired as fuck. Taking out the remote, I switched the lights off and turned on the little star lights on the ceiling.

She helplessly gawked at it.

"Woah it's beautiful. Feels like it's already night", she gaped at the ceiling.

We kept gazing at the artificial stars which truly made it feel like a realistic night. Until she fell asleep.

Her face relaxed on the other side with her hair smoothly spread out towards me. My eyes landed on her exposed neck which was yet covered with bruises and love bites. These clothes are a major turn on. How could someone look that fine with just a pair of shorts and a crop top?


I pulled her closer to my chest and embraced her. Her delicate body laying in my arms as I gently stroked her hair.

Why am I being like this? I hate you so much but seeing you cry makes me want to put an end to all of this.

Here we go again. Me being that same idiot will always care for her but at the same time I wanna fuck the life out her for being a slut! The only girl i ever cared about was a slut who slept with men for money.

"Just a little bit more baby and I swear I'll make it go away".

Eunha's pov

"Wakey Wakey sleepy head".

My vision finally cleared to only meet Jungkook's face above me.

"Get up we've landed".
He smiled and moved away as i sat up.

Did I fell asleep?


I watched him open his suitcase searching for something.

"Uh.. What are you doing?".
I sat in confusion.

"Get up", he simply said and I did as told.

He came closer and closer making me step back a little. A smirk plastered on his face due to my reaction.

"You're definitely not going out like that". Was the only thing he said before making me wear one of his white shirt on top of my crop top.

"This looks ridiculous", I defended.

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