Chapter 35: Tell Me Everything

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Listen to this when yall read. It's somewhat emotional.

I turned the door knob and slightly peeked through. The view left me speechless to the point I quickly had to look away.

"J-jungkook please a-aah. Please not inside me aahhh!".

"Beg me".

I quickly went back downstairs. As I did, her cries got louder and louder.
It's best to Ieave them alone. However I am concerned about Eunha.

End of recap

Eunha's pov

The sun burned my skin as I tried tossing with weight on my body. My eyes slowly opened to meet the white ceiling before landing on my chest.

Jungkook's head laid on my chest with his muscular back facing the ceiling. His arms wrapped around my waist as he slept peacefully with me under him. Pushing him away was impossible. His body weighed mine down, almost making me unable to move. I tried pushing him over but that is when realisation hit me. One of my hand was tied to the bed's corner with that...same white cloth.

"Mmm.. A-ahh!!"

I was taken aback as the flashback hit me.

He... He tied me up.

He tied me up numerous ways using that same damn cloth. My mouth, my wrists, my hands tied to my ankle. It was awful and painful. I cried begging him to stop but all he did was enjoy.

I don't like this.

I don't want this.

I... I...don't..

Tears sprinted down my cheeks as I silently cried in his embrace. Sobbing and sniffing, that is when his body moved slightly as he woke up. His eyes met my teary ones and he instantly sat up watching me lay there exposed, crying my heart out. I slowly sat up and moved the white sheet over my helpless form.

"Baby why are you crying", he cupped my cheeks and asked me with concern.

Is he really concerned or is he trying to fool me?

"I hate you", uttering that, I stood up with the sheet around me and limped my way to his bathroom. I could sense him watching me as the door closed behind my back.

I made my way to the enormous mirror and observed myself. He left trails of red bites down my neck with red imprints on my butt cheeks from all the spanking. My wrists were noticeably red from being tied up. The only thing survived was my mouth. There were no cuts or whatsoever.

I got in the shower and tried draining all my miseries. The pain in between my legs were unbearable. He's not human at all, he's a fucking monster for using such speed. I'm surprised I'm still able to limp. Walking is out of the picture at the moment.

After I was down washing all the dirt and sins from my body, I walked out with a towel wrapped around me and got changed in that damn maids dress in the bathroom.

How am I supposed to hide these bites? My eyes searched for something to hide it until landing on a scarf. The scarf was perfect and hid almost everything. I don't want anyone to notice my state at all.

After I was done brushing my hair and looked presentable enough, I walked out to see him sitting on his bed in a pair of boxers. His head rose up to meet my face that is until I avoided him completely and walked out of the room before he could utter anything.

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