Chapter 4: tours and stories

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"Why?" I asked. Why would he want to help me?

He looked in my eyes before speaking.

"Because you remind me of my dead son, Carlos"

I don't know what to say.


He moved his hand forward.

I looked at his hand and then his face.

"I'm in....god father".

He smiled.

End of recap

Jungkook's POV

He took me, in his car, somewhere far, far away from this place. It took us hours to reach the destination. The car stopped finally and we both hoped off, standing in front of a mansion. 10 times larger than the one I used to work in. More classier.

It was nearly dawn, since the sun was coming up, making the image of my current location more clear.

I was...surrounded by trees surprisingly, with a mansion in front of me.

"This is it...your new home".

I looked at him and than back at the mansion before walking in. Surprisingly there were people awake at and roaming in the gardens. All wearing black. There were also sheds at the far corners, which was decorated with beer bottles, I know since dad used to drink them. The shed was filled with people inside as well.

It seems like they partied all night long.
Who are they though? Security?

I think he knew what I was wondering since he told me anyways.

"They are the gang members. They live around here and guard me and the property. The others are in the far corners, away from the mansion. As you can see there aren't any other houses here than this one and the hideouts. We're the only ones in this Forrest".

That makes sense.

He walked me towards the gigantic double doors which opened itself at our arrival. In stood a maid, an old lady, neatly dressed in a long maid dress.

"Welcome sir", she spoke and smiled.

"And....oh my, y-you resemble.."
She looked at me with wide eyes. As if seen a ghost.

"Yes he looks like Carlos", a sigh escaped my saviours lips.

Hmm now I really wanna see this Carlos. Do I look exactly like him? Maybe a photo I could find.

"He will be living with us now, and also his mother. She needs the best treatments to recover. Inform the best of the best doctors from the world. Whatever they charge, I'll pay. Besides This child is equivalent to me. What's mine is his". He smiled at me.

The maid herself, smiled with pity eyes before letting us in. Mum had arrived already and was placed in the room beside mine. She was still in coma. Like a breathing dead body laying on the bed with machinery.

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