Chapter 29: Kookie?

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I turned around to see him unsteady.
He was kinda pleading I guess.


My answer made his smile wider.

"Sweet, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight"

With that he left.

"Goodnight", I responded.

Wait, hold up!

Is it a date?

End of recap

Narrator's pov

It was 7 in the morning, both Eunha and Jungkook woke up to get ready. Had breakfast together and left, leaving Jackson fast asleep in his room.

"Where are we going?" she asked as he sped up the car.

"You'll see".
He smiled at her before setting his eyes back on the road.

After a while, they arrived at an amusement park.

"Are you serious?" she asked excited as her eyes widened and a smile formed on her lips.

He smiled seeing her happy.

"Yes, I'm serious. Now let's go".

He led her in as she excitedly walked faster than him to explore everything like a 5 year old.

"Jungkook can we go on that one?" she unknowingly pulled onto his t-shirt only to brighten his smile.

"Anywhere you like".

She led him to the gigantic carousel.

"Let's go on this one".

"I'll stay here, you go", he stood comfortably only to receive a poker face as an answer.

"You're coming with me", she held onto his hand and led him in. Catching him off guard. He watched her as she led him in, not realising what she just did.

They rode it thrice since she forced him to stay and pleaded 'one more time pleaseeee' in such a cute way that he couldn't possibly deny.

"That was so much fun" they walked out together smiling and laughing, recalling the part where he nearly fell off the horse when a lady passed him and pushed him off with her big ass.

"Oh my god, I can't. *tries to catch her breath*that lady hahaha", she laughed at him to the point her tummy started hurting.

"Very funny", all he did was blush and suppress his laughter which eventually came out. After they were over the incident, he led her to another direction.

"Let's get some ice cream", he led her to the ice cream stand and bought her her favorite. She held the strawberry flavoured one as he held the vanilla. They walked around enjoying their treat.

"Mum! Mum where are you?!"
A little 5 year old boy cried as he ran around looking for his mum when Eunha noticed. She approached him and knelt down.

"Hey are you alright kid? Are you lost?" she softly spoke.

"Yes I can't find my mommy",he cried. Before she could comfort him, Jungkook picked up the little kid, embracing him in his arms. The little kid hugged Jungkook and cried for a while before finally stopping when he saw a chocolate ice cream in front of him.

Smilingly, Eunha showed him the ice cream to catch his attention.

"Would you like an ice cream?" she kindly asked only to see him nodding, wiping his tears away.

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