Chapter 6: a new journey

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The ride was quiet, we didn't speak at all. I don't understand why I offered her a lift in the first place.

Soon after, we arrived at the bank. I watched as she got out and stood outside.

"Thanks", she said before turning her back on me and leaving.

I watched as she walked as fast as she could and entered the building.

Oh miss crazy, I hope we never meet again.
End of recap

Jungkook's pov

I rode the car back to the mansion I've lived for the past 11 years, may i mention, a lowkey life away from these people so no one recognised me. To the world Gdad is my father, they don't even have a single clue about the reality, which is great. The universe thinks that Gdad and I are always visiting this country and keep travelling around for business. Partly true but what they don't know is that we live here too, away from all these people, a lowkey life.
Gets tough sometimes when people recognises me and then I just have to hide away as quickly as possible.

Everyone's question...if you're a Mafia than why are you hiding? To be honest, it's not the police because they're all weak in front of us, it's not even the rivals because we have worlds most powerful army, twice as big as the royal kingdom's. The main reason for my lowkey life would be girls. Ugh, I have no idea why girls have this fantasy of falling in love with a bad boy, why?? I don't understand. Find a good man ladies but who am I to judge? Although it still affects me!!! All these hoes surround me with themselves and try to get me laid but bitches this ain't 50 shades of grey, I ain't gonna do that shit. Yes I'll admit I'm not a virgin but that doesn't mean girls can just throw themselves on me. And this is my ultimate reason for staying away and lowkey, hidden from the world.


Although I like that movie...*smirk*
Bdsm here I come
*increases car speed*

Eunha's  pov

"What?!!! Bankrupt?"
I was outraged by the news which shook me like a lightening bolt.

My father just let out a loud sigh.
I watched as he frowned. His fingers entwined together.

I stood up immediately from the seat and faced the man in front of us.

"That's not possible, we have millions in the bank. Where did it all go?!" I asked, frowning.

"Mr Jung, it says here you had withdrawn a large amount from the bank for investment, as well as several loans". He completely ignore me and spoke to my dad.

"And??" I asked curious.
The man turned to me annoyed.

"And to pay off all the debts we have to take your personal assets, your house, cars, jewellery, business and if needed, we will also have to take out money from your family members accounts. If the amount isn't paid back than Mr Jung will be sent to jail".

My dad stood up, bewildered, but managed to maintain his cool.

"How much is the debt?"
He asked calmly.

"250 million dollars". The man said, scanning through his black folder.

I yelled.

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