Chapter 8: those are my properties

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It was the girl from the other day!
The girl that ran into my car and the one I dropped to the bank.

Jung Eunha????????

Fuck! Why is life playing around with me like this?

I sat there speechless when it all came tumbling down to me.


Payback's gonna be a bitch Jung.

Karma is heading your way.

*eyes scanning Eunha*

End of recap

Narrators pov

Jungkook nearly fell off the chair by leaning sideways to see Eunha. She smiled cutely although behind that smile, she held miseries. She soon walked away from his view as he sat back up on his chair, searching for her, that's when the event began. A young guy came up on a little portable stage and kindly told everyone to take their seats.

Once everyone did, he started.

"As we all know, this grand mansion is up for sale-..." he continued his speech although Jungkook paid no attention or whatsoever to what was going on. He was simply focusing on the girl standing in the corner. She quietly stood there and watched everything with her eyes. Urging to stop everything and say 'it's not for sale' although circumstances has took her to a level where she's left with no choice.

Jungkook kept staring at her, that's when the biding began.

"1 million"
A man spoke.

"2.5 million", a lady bided.

"5 million"

The bidders kept biding until a man in his early 20s bided the exact amount needed.

"120, 780, 000 million", the man raised his biding number 5 as he spoke.

The man managed to gain Jungkook's attention while everyone whispered to one another.

"Hey isn't that Park Jimin? Their future son-in-law?" A couple gossiping afar managed to gain Jungkook's attention as well.

"Park Jimin huh?" He muttered.

"120,780,000 million going once...going twice...and so—.."

"250 million!".
The crowd immediately turned around to search for the man who bided such a huge amount. And there he was standing with his bidding number 7.

Jeon Jungkook.

The mc quickly fixed his jaw that was wide open and began.

"250 million going once...going twice...and SOLD! Congratulations to bidder number 7".

Everyone stood up and erupt in chatters and applause. Women looked at Jungkook seductively and gold diggers trying to surround him, although he pushed them all aside and headed towards the documents the agent from earlier held.

Jungkook's pov

I watched how happy Jung had gotten after Park fucking Jimin bided the precise amount he had requested. So this was his way of getting out of the debt huh?
He was going to get his daughter married to Jimin so he could get his property back in return.

I faced away to see Eunha smiling and than back to
that shorty. And that's when I had my cue...

"250 million", I said while rapidly standing up with my number 7 that I hadn't noticed earlier.

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