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I watched as he slept peacefully clutching that white pillow. A smile popped on my face knowing that he considered that pillow as me. I brought my face closer and pecked his forehead before parting. Standing up, i made my way to his bedroom door to only take a hold of my black suitcase that awaited and turned to take a last look at him.

'I'm sorry'

End of recap

Jungkook's pov

"Sir!! We are unable to find Miss Eun-...."

The guard stopped at Kim's command.

"Leave", I commanded and they did as told. They all vanished from my sight as I sat on my sofa regretfully. I faced the glass wall, seeing nature beyond it. The greenery and the fog with hints of light mesmerised me, it got me thinking of her, where is she? is she cold? has she eaten? that is until Kim spoke up.

"Boss...can I give an advice? If you don't mind", my silence indicated a yes for him to speak and he did.

"I've known you since I was a child boss, you are a very kind soul to those you love. You are not just clever and feared amongst all but you are humble and kind. I've always seen you strive higher and higher to succeed which you eventually did. When we used to ask you why you worked and trained so hard, you used to tell us its for your own wellbeing but I've always known boss, that you......lacked love...and therefore became cold, that is until you met the love of your life again. I'm terribly sorry if I offended you but your love for Miss Eunha is real, and one day she will realise it. Just be patient, you will also be filled with happiness and joy sir".

The corner of my lips curved at his words.

He's right. I lacked love in life. After the incident with mum and dad, how was I supposed to move on and live happily while seeing unfamiliar faces around me. GDad loved me but it didn't have much impact either way, after all I was dying, drowning in hatred, saw red, how was I supposed to love? I was becoming colder by minute and by now, I would have turned off my humanity if it wasn't for her. If it wasn't for her to show up in my life again. She saved me. Unfortunately...... I couldn't control myself with her. All my supressed emotions came in front of her. I wanted to shower her with so much love but I couldn't, instead scared her away.

I knew for a fact she would run away from me, but there was nothing I could've done to stop her. It was best to let her go rather than keeping her by my side like a prisoner. I was selfish and it got the best of me.

I was devasted at my loss yet I couldn't do much but sigh.

"You're right Kim, leaving her alone is the best alternative. I have to wait and hope for her to return to me...........one day".

5 Years later

Eunha's pov

"Mum is the food ready yet? she must be arriving any minute now", I travelled from rooms to rooms at the speed of light. I need everything to be prepared.

"Stop overreacting it's not the end of the world. Everything's done".
She threw daggers at me with her look for making her cook all day long.

"Love you", I kissed her on the cheek and ran to the living room to check everything.

"Jayden take your stupid headphones out and get your ass up".

"OK, OK chill." he surrended.

*door creaks*

Thank god everyone were gathered.


"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to our Jella happy birthday to you".

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