Chapter 10: It has just begun

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D-dad was going to get me married to Jimin of whom I only think of a friend.

Oh my god...

"What does she want? Ask her?"

Everybody watched me. Dad's hope was to hear the words that i wasn't going to say.

I don't want to marry him or anybody right now.
I'm still young.

"I-I...will work for sir". I stuttered while facing the man I front of me.

"Than it's decided". He spoke.

I just watched my family and him.

I'm only doing this for them. Besides how bad can it be?

End of recap

Mr Jung's pov

I watched my surroundings. Ugh disappointing!! I can't believe this is what I'm living in! An old staffs cottage. That too, the one I've got it built for the staffs. This is how they took care of it? Ridiculous.

"Honey, would you like to eat something? We surprisingly have a supply of food in here. Looks like the kid did keep his promise".

I managed to scare my wife and son at the sudden outburst.


"I'm sorry honey. It's just...he must have a motive. He isn't doing this for us or being generous. He...surely has a reason." I sat back down on the dirty couch, thinking.

He's the son of a mafia. Surely he's rich but not stupid.

What does he want?

I'm sure enough it has something to do with Eunha.
I need to save my princess.

Eunha's pov

I observed my new room. I was in a guest room which was provided for me, all the way to the other side of my room and my parents.

This feels like jail.
What's wrong with the colours? Each and every wall around here was white but now this room is grey. The type of worn out grey you'd normally find in jail or alleyways.

There was only one single bed in this room, a very basic light, a bed stand table, a full length mirror and a dresser in the room. I sat on the well made bed and observed everything in horror.

No I can't, I can't stay in here. It feels like I'll suffocated to death.

Maybe I can request him to change my room back to my original one.

*knock knock*

There was a knock on my door and a bodyguard walked in.

Wow he's huge.

"Sir said to change into the clothes provided in the dresser and meet him downstairs in 5 minutes".

Before I could ask any questions, he excused himself and left.

I walked over to dresser and scanned the clothes in shock.

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