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"Aphrodite," a voice boomed.

I let out a groan as I waved off my helpers. What does he want now. Doesn't he know I am having my beauty taken care of?

My door opened as I lounged on my chaise looking at my nails, "yes father?"

"You seem to forgotten who I am," he boomed.

"Yes, yes, the all mighty powerful Zeus. Who has control over the gods. I haven't forgot. Your ego won't let me," I said not making eye contact.

"Aphrodite, you will not speak to your father like that," Dione said.

I rolled my eyes and laid back, "are we done? Because Aries should be here soon and I have things to do."

They looked at each other as Zeus said, "won't be necessary, considering I am sending you to the mortal world."

My eyes widened and I stood up quickly, "what?!"

"You're narcissistic ways have told me, you need a lesson in humility. So, I have decided to send you to earth as a plain Jane, sort of speak."

"You can't do that!" I stomped. "I am the goddess of love, beauty and procreation. My beauty is like no other. I refused." I looked at him.

"Then you forgot, you can't refuse with me."

I stood there defiantly.

"Here is the thing, you will be delivered to earth as the Roman god Venus. You will retain your powers but only to help others, which means you can't use them for personal gain."

I crossed my arms, "fine."

He turned to leave as I shot daggers at his back then stop, "oh and one other thing, you have to help two people fall in love or you won't be able to return to Mount Olympus."

"Easy peasy," I said snapping my fingers.

He turned and looked at me, "you think so?"

"I know so," she smirked.

He looked at me as a smile formed upon his lips, "you can't use your powers to put them together and you have until Valentine's day." He turned to leave and said, "oh and they are with others. So, good luck." He chuckled as he left my room.

I looked at Dione, "he can't do this!"

"Yes he can. He is the all mighty powerful Zeus. Maybe now, you won't take your powers for granted." She turned and walked away.

I stood there. How was I suppose to get two people together? I mean I am the goddess of love but how? So unfair.

I felt arms wrap around me, "Hello my love."


"What's wrong?"

"Zeus is sending me to earth."

"Why?" He let go of me and walked over to my bed, laying down on it.

"Because he feels I need to learn some stupid lesson. Aries, I don't want to leave," I whined.

"Then how about you come here and we can enjoy whatever time you have here before you leave," he said holding out his hand.

I tugged at my outfit, letting it fall to the floor as I walked towards him. A flick of my wrist and his clothes had disappeared. I was going to miss this aspect.

I climbed on top of him and lowered myself down as I moved my hips back and forth. Ares unleashed his powers and ravaged me like he usually did. I loved being with the god of war.

He could create war with a snap of his fingers and crush people in mere seconds. Humans were so easy to control. I watched many times as Ares played with them. It was fun to watch.

I too had my fun as they fell in and out of love. I could make the most undesirable human become desirable with a snap of my fingers. Then I could rip it away so easily. Humans had one flaw, their emotions.

As Ares thrust in me taking me completely, I groaned at the pleasure I received. Only he could pleasure me like this. My husband was a dud. Hephaestus. The Blacksmith Of Mount Olympus. He provided weapons but I did not love him. Ares was my love.

Every time I was with Ares I had to have him. The desire was extraordinary. He kept going until I screamed releasing in unadulterated pleasure, causing him to follow suit.

He kissed my lips as I tasted him, "I'm going to miss this and you, my love."

"Ares my god, I will return. Only you can bring me pleasure," I replied as I kissed him once more.

Then I heard a voice boom, "it is time!"

Before I had a chance to speak, I disappeared landing onto earth.

I stood up, looking at myself. Ugh. He wasn't kidding. I looked hideous. At least he clothed me. I looked to see a building in front of me with the words upon it, Adams High School.

Fantastic. This was going to be hell. Now all I had to do was find these two losers, make them fall in love and get home to my love. Easier said than done.

Looks like Aphrodite has her work cut out for her. Considering she has to go by her Roman name Venus, expect the unexpected with here.

Things are about to get interesting for our goddess of love.

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