Love is the ultimate weapon

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Venus POV

Knowing that Hephaestus has been here and Zeus has declared war, I still had to finish my quest. Which was Kayden and Angie falling in love with each other. With the weather growing colder and changing the mortals would be celebrating what they called Christmas soon.

Ah love. The most magical feeling in the world. Most people take it for granted. When they do receive it, they abuse and abandon it. Love is a deep emotional. With it you can conquer the world. Without it you are destined to suffer indefinitely.

Mortals are lucky. They have the opportunity to have love and bask in it's glory but ultimately chose to either cast it aside or destroy it. I shalt never understand why.

Why not embrace the beauty of love and what it has to hold? Why make it more difficult than it should be? I shook my head as I pondered those thoughts.

"What is it my love," Mars asked as we walked behind Kayden, Angie and the others.

"I was just thinking about love," I spoke with a rightfully sigh.

He looked at me.

"Love is pure. It's unabashed. It does but boast in pride but revels in glory. It is the ultimate weapon with anything. Greater than hate," I said smiling.


"But yet is tossed aside like it's nothing. Beauty is destroyed because it has been cast aside." I stopped and looked around.

"What tis it?"

"See these people. Some are unsure, some are miserable, and some are destined for greatness. If only they allowed it," I said with a determination.

"Then why not show them," he suggested.


"Show then what kind of beauty love possesses," he replied. A smile grew upon my face as I turned and with a flick of my wrist and a snap of my fingers, showed the mortals the beauty of love.

Kayden's POV

We were in the mall and luckily rent a cops weren't chasing us down. I wanted to look for a Christmas present for Angie. I wanted to find something real special.

Then something happened. We stopped as we watched as twinkling lights appeared. Around us flowers appeared along with music playing.

"Whoa," everyone gasped as the court of the mall changed before our eyes into a magical place.

"This is incredible," Gema said as Angie stood there and admired everything. I watched her as her face lit up. That's when I realized how she radiated amongst everything. Most girls try to look beautiful but she truly was.

At that moment I was falling for her and hard.

She turned to me, "what?"

"Dance with me?"



She smiled as I took her hand and pulled her close. Then as I held her close, I started dancing with her in the middle of the mall. Everyone stop and watched us.

We moved around gliding along the floor. She looked at me and I looked back at her as she smiled. I never took my eyes off of her as we danced. Then I felt is float like we were dancing on air.

"Uh Venus, I don't think you should be doing that," Mars said to her.

"I'm not," she responded.

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