Emmett and Gema, a kink fest for all

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I felt so off since "Christmas" at Angie's. My powers were acting unusually weird and I decided to go for a walk to clear my head. Maybe the fresh air will help. As I walked I did expect what to happen next but it did.


Emmett and Gema were up in her room, watching a movie when she leaned over and gave him a kiss. She pulled back.

"What was that for?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Aren't I allowed to give my hot boyfriend a kiss?" She smirked.

"Yeah but usually when I kiss you back and things start to heat up, you put on the breaks," he sighed.

"Actually, you put on the breaks," she smirked.

He looked at her.

"What? It's true."

"I'm trying to be good and not completely take advantage of you," he spoke with sincerity.

"Awww that's sweet but seriously you can take advantage of me," she grinned and he gave her a look. Then what happened next was both out of their control.

He leaned in and gave her a kiss, then pulled back before things quickly heated up and they started getting passionate. They tore at each other's clothes tossing them onto the ground until both were completely naked.

Emmett wasted no time putting on protection and lining himself up before pushing himself into her entrance. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he started to thrust aggressively inside her.

"O-oh E-Emmett," she moaned as he thrust in and out taking her completely. Their bodies smacked together as he continued causing her body to withered underneath him.

"Oh god Gema!" He breathed as he continued. Then before they both knew it they called out, with their release. But it didn't stop there.

He got up and and removed the protection and replaced it, pulling her up. Then he backed her against the wall, staring at her with list filled eyes as he hoisted her into his arms and filled her again. He thrust inside of her over and over as she groaned and he grunted.

With her back hitting the wall over and over she urged him to go faster and harder while he happily obliged.

"Oh god my sexy tamale I am gonna come," he huffed.

"Good babe! Because so am I," she screamed in delight as he released with her again. They stopped for a minute to catch their breath as he lowered her onto the ground. The only problem was the lust was still there and the urge to fulfill it was never ending.

He pulled her over to her dresser and leaned her over as he replaced the protection again and positioned himself from behind. She placed her hands on the dresser as he firmly held her hips before slamming into her over and over.

"Oh god," he breathed, "I can't stop."

"Don't stop. Keep going," she breathed as he continued to pound her over and over as she groaned over and over.

The feeling of lust and desire filled them both as he kept slamming into her over and over as they released over and over but not before he pulled out and twirled her around. He hoisted her on top the dresser and pushed back inside of her, as he continued again.

"W-why d-did you stop?" She stuttered.

"Because I want the full show," he breathed as he cupped one of her breast and lowered his mouth on it, sucking and teasing as he continued to thrust inside of her. He didn't neglect the other breast as he moved to it, giving it equal attention. Then before they both knew it. They release together.

They stopped to finally catch their breath.

"God, I don't know what has gotten into me. I just wanted to wait with you and make it special," he whispered.

She let out a giggle.

"What?" His head snapped up, looking at her with confusion.

"At least my first time was memorable," she giggled.

He dropped his head and sighed.

"I think sex is the best thing ever," she exclaimed as his head snapped up. "Now, we aren't done by any means." She gave him a seductive look.

"I am so glad you said yes when I asked you out," he grinned as he crashed his lips into her and picker her up. She wrapped his legs around his waist as he carried her to the bathroom.

"Why are we in the bathroom?"

"Because my little hot tamale, we are going to explore every avenue there is in this place," he told her as she giggled.

The showers started running as did the groans as they continued their lustful session in the shower.

At some point they collapsed on the bed, falling to sleep. It didn't last long before Emmett awoke needing his desires to be fulfilled. As Gema slept peacefully, he started kissing her and her body responded to his kisses.

He moved down her body as he kissed and lick, causing a moan to escape her lips. Until he found his way between her thighs. Kissing the inside of each thigh, he slowly made it to her sweet spot. Then he started to lick and suck as a moan escaped her lips.

Feeling her body respond to his kisses he picked up the pace, teasing her with every single kiss and lick until he thrust his tongue inside her causing her to groan.

He kept at it as her body responded and he could feel her close. Adding to the building excitement he applied a small amount of pressure on her sensitive part causing her body to convulse and lash about.

He quickly released his hand and mouth causing her to groan as he sat up and gripped her thighs pulling her to him and pushing inside of her. His thrusts were even as she withered on the bed, until her muscles tightened and he released with her.

She opened her eyes and looked at him as he smirked.

"You didn't think you were going to go to sleep, did you," he asked her with a grin.

"Not a chance," she smiled back as he moved himself onto her and lowered himself down. He placed an arm on both sides of her head and looked at her.

"I have something to tell you."

"You're not gay, are you," she asked with a look.

"What?! Do I seem gay to you?"

"You never know. I mean this could be just you trying to hide the truth," she smirked.

He gave her a look as he rolled his eyes, "no. I'm very much into the tang." She giggled. "Anyways, I love you my hot tamale," he said with a serious look.

She stop giggling and looked at him, "you're serious?"

"Extremely. I would just hit and quit it. I'm not like that," he spoke with sincerity.

She smiled, "I love you too my kinky lover."

A smile curled upon his lips as he placed a kiss upon hers then just like that they drifted off to sleep with no more lustful urge for the evening.


I walked past the house and could feel the lust radiating from it. Whoever was in that house was fulfilling their most inner desires.

I kept walking. I was still trying to get a grip on my powers. They weren't fully restored and things seemed out of sorts with them. Maybe at the end of my journey the answer will come to me. Onward and upwards, I proclaimed as I kept walking.

Apparently this couple isn't the only one that will be affected by Venus's powers. Considering they are a wacky at the moment, expect more lust filled evenings for other couples.

What ever Angie had inscribed on Kayden's watch is an indicator of what's to come. Get ready because things are about to get hot in here. Literally.

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