Romantic first date

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Angie's POV

The girls came over to help me to get dressed which let me tell you, wasn't fun. Have you met my friends? All have their own ideas of what you should dress like for a date.

Finally I had to put my foot down with them. I wanted something simple and casual. No fuss. That wasn't me. I dressed in a simple flowy dress to my knees and pulled the sides of my hair up on top. I dabbed some lip gloss on my lips and was happy with the results.

I was never one to dress in tight fitting clothes like Mel or dress to the nines like Joana Or spontaneous like Gema. That wasn't me. I was just a simple girl with simple tastes. Plus, I always felt if someone is truly beautiful they don't need all that stuff to show it. Beauty is so much more.

I turned to them, "well?"

"Angie, simple and classic work for you," Mel smiled.

"You look amazing," Gema beamed.

"Kayden is a very lucky guy," Joana smiled.

I smiled at them as I headed out for my date. Let's hope this goes well because I really like Kayden. He's so sweet.

Kayden's POV

I thought I would go casual tonight. Tan slacks with a button up, short sleeve, baby blue shirt. I didn't want to make it look like I was trying too hard.

The note I was given was an address with a time on it. God I hope they know what they are doing. I grabbed my keys and headed out to the address.

I couldn't believe how nervous I was. I had never been nervous like this before. I mean I dated Suzanne, well not really. It was more like she jumped on me making it known we were a couple. Being the nice guy I am, I went along with it.

I regretted everything I had done with her, even my first kiss and first time. The kiss was like kissing a dead fish and yeah don't even ask about the first time. It was a freaking disaster. I never heard the end of it for months.

Kayden, you should be able to get hard. Kayden, why do I have to do all the work. Kayden, that was terrible. Kayden, Kayden, Kayden. Her voice seared through my brain like nails on a chalk board. She made me feel horrible because I lacked inexperience and didn't give her a fantastic night. Honestly, I didn't love her and only had sex with her so she would stop nagging at me. Worst mistake ever.

After that, I tried to make excuses. It didn't work. She still found a way for us to have sex. I blocked her out and thought about other things, football, baseball, who was going to the Super Bowl. Psh what a waste.

I heard a knock on the top of my roof, knocking me out of my trance, "you going to stay in there forever?" I looked to see Mars. Wait, how the hell did I get here? I looked at him. Never mind.

I got out of the car.

"Here." He handed me a bouquet of roses. "Venus said to give these to your date."

I took the roses, "you shouldn't have."

"Don't start with me mortal. We are doing you a favor. Now silence and have a nice evening," he shot back. I sighed and walked to the door. I opened it and the place was empty, expect for a few unexpected guests.

"Welcome to the feast, mortal," Minerva greeted me. She was a bit abrupt.

I looked around, the place was decorated with twinkling lights and rose petals along with flowers. It was breathtaking. She led me to my seat. I sat there as I heard a car pull up.

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