Mel and Joana

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Gema and I finally met up with Mel and Joana.

"It's about damn time you two lazy asses got here," Mel said to us.

"Don't blame us, blame king Douche," Gema said.

"Oh don't tell me that boy can't take a hint," she said to me.

"Yeah, apparently we are the IT couple this year," I rolled my eyes.

"The IT couple of what, loserville," Joana said with a look.

"Why are we friends again," I asked her.

"Because you have standards, darling," she smirked.

"Standards or not, we still have the issue of dealing with dickweed," Gema said to them.

"I thought you dump that fool," Mel asked me.

"I did, then apparently he didn't get the hint," I sighed.

"It's like you have to beat that ass over the head," Mel groaned.

Why couldn't Tristan take a hint? I didn't want to be with him anymore. I was done and I was also done with love. He ruined that for me. I wanted this type of romance that only existed in fairytales.

The sad part it was never going to happen.

Kayden POV

I caught up with Emmett after the bizarre incident with Suzanne. I really needed some sleep. Because I'm pretty sure sleep deprivation was setting in.

He had his locker open, "man, you will never believe what happened."

"Let me guess, you're little problem flew away," he said not flinching.

"Actually she blew away," I corrected him.

He stopped and looked at me, "You feeling alright? Like you don't have the flu or something? Because if you have the flu, stay the hell away from me. I don't need that shit."

"What? No, I don't have the flu but I am telling you something weird is going on."

He looked at me, "yep, I do believe you have a fever because you are hallucinating my dear friend."

Great now Emmett things I'm crazy.

"Come on, we need to meet up with Dante and Fletcher," he said, slamming his locker shut.

Venus POV

Each time with Mars gets better and better but we had a quest to fulfill. We opened the door and looked around then snuck out so no one saw us.

We walked down the halls looking to see if we saw mortal A and mortal B. Since I don't know their names, that's how they should be referred to.

Then we spotted them. Mortal A was with three other Mortals. Mortal B was with another mortal. Neither one of them was paying attention to each other. Since I can't use my powers on them, I might as well put those other mortals to good use.

With a flick of my finger, I caused the one male to bump into the other one and one of the females to knock the other female, making them stumble and fall into each other. They collided and fell to the ground, with her landing on him. My work here is done for now.

Now it's time to wait.

Angie's POV

I don't know what happened but Gema fell, knocking into me, making me fall and crash into someone. We landed on the floor together. I landed on top of him.

I looked down and realized it was none other than Kayden Michaels, the most populated guy in school and captain of the football team along with class president. Oh god.

I scrambled to get off of him, getting to my feet quickly.

"So sorry," I said.

He got up off the floor and stood up.

"Um." I was speechless.

"No worries," he said to me.

I stood in awe of him. Not because of his social status but there was a slight twinkle in his eye. Kayden had the most beautiful ice blue eyes I had ever seen.

"Yo, Kayden, let's go," Emmett Hardy yelled. I stood there as he walked away. From what I knew Kayden hung with Emmett, Dante and Fletcher and he was also taken.

"Well, I got to hand it to you Ang, when you fall for a hottie, you really fall for them," Mel smirked.

I sighed, "Yeah and one that's taken." I looked at them as they looked at each other.

Just my luck.

Kayden's POV

Angie Hayes. The smartest girl in school fell on top of me. What are the chances? Not only was she intelligent but beautiful. She was dating that douche Tristan and completely faithful.

I finally take the plunge and dump Suzanne to free myself from her clutches, only to be back to square one. Angie wasn't that girl who just got excellent grades, she was the kind of person people genuinely liked. There was never a time I didn't see her talking to someone.

To me, she was the kind of girl I was looking for. She was warmed, friendly, and man could she make you laugh. Too bad she's taken. FML.

Hmmm, it seems our young heroine and young hero have a thing for each other but think the other is taken.

Well, if Venus has her way, they will get with the program. Our gods are still going have their hands in the mix.

Plus, you're about to meet Dante and Fletcher. Get ready because they are next.

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