Time jump 4 years: a grand future

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Angie's POV

I slept and felt two arms wrap around me. Then I felt lips touch my skin, causing me to wake.

"Morning," Kayden said as he leaned down and kissed my lips. I kissed him back.

"Morning," I yawned.

He pulled away and got out of bed.

"Come on, we got to get up and get ready," he said grabbing a towel.

"Do we have to?" I groaned.

He looked at me, "you want to explain to them, how you prefer to stay in bed all day?"

I popped up, "I'm up."

He walked over and gave me a kiss, "thought so."

Kayden left the bedroom to start the shower. I looked around and sighed. Maybe I should fill everyone in on what happened the past four years.

The eight of us did got off to school and graduated. Kayden got a coaching job and I got a teaching job right after school. We moved into a house. In the process of going to school, he proposed to me but wanted to wait until we graduate to get married.

Emmett and Gema got married a week ago, Dante and Joana followed suit and finally Fletcher and Mel. We were the last to finally get married. Needless to say, Kayden got a lot of ribbing by the guys for being slow.

I walked into the bathroom and unclothed then opened the shower door and stepped inside. I closed it and started washing up. Kayden rinsed then proceeded to have a little fun.



"I thought you said we don't have time for this?!"

"This I think they will understand. Plus, it's not like we aren't getting married and we didn't want to start a family."

"Well in that case," I said as we decided to have a little fun in the shower.

Yes, we decided to start working on a family and have been trying. I wasn't worry because one day it would happen. I hope.

We pulled up to the venue and went inside. We walked up to hear yelling. We walked inside and there stood our mothers extremely upset. Then I saw why.

Someone had come in and trashed everything, destroying everything in its wake. I looked around. Mom saw me, "oh hunny, I am so sorry. We'll work to fix it."

"Mom, there's not enough time. The wedding is tomorrow," I sighed in frustration. What a disaster. I walked over and took a seat.

"What happened?" Kayden asked them.

"That worthless ex of mine happened. We had an argument. He insisted on coming but I told him she didn't want him there. He said he would make sure things didn't go planned. It's not bad enough he tried to ruin my life, now he's trying to ruin our daughter's," she huffed.

I sat there. For the last four years dad had been trying to play the doting father. I wasn't buying it. When he found out I was getting married, he snapped. I just didn't understand. He never wanted to be part of my life and now he wanted to be. I was so done.

I stood up, "let's face it, if it isn't one person trying to interfere, it's someone else. Why can't people let us be happy?" I walked out of the venue. Tomorrow I'm suppose to get married and had no idea how that was going to happen. We needed a miracle right about now.

Kayden's POV

Our mother's left and I stood there. Everything was set and it was ruined because Angie's dad couldn't let her be happy. I remember hearing him call her a whore and telling her she ruins everything. I was furious.

I held her as she cried that night. The first man in your life is suppose to love you. But he didn't. Then Tristan followed. No wondered she felt jaded about love. It took so long for me to reassure her I was the real deal but finally she believed me and I never wanted to let her down, ever.

Now I felt like I did. I sat down and rubbed the back of my neck in frustration.

"You know, when you frown, it gives you wrinkles."

I looked up to see Venus and Mars.

"Yeah, well, right now I don't have reason to be happy. Everything is ruined."

"Good thing, you have friends that are gods," she smiled.

"Speak for yourself," Mars grumbled.

"Oh don't be grumpy my love. I shalt reward you later."

Mars smiled. When he smiled it was kind of scary.

"Now we shalt fix this mess that scoundrel decided to ruin and deal with him later. No one ruins my favorite couples happiness," she smiled.

I stood up as she went to work, fixing everything that had been destroyed and then some. I watched in awe as she used her powers to change everything. It was amazing.

She lifted her arms and her powers created flowers and lights. She finished it off with a magical look. It didn't take her long but once she was done, it was breathtaking.

I turned to her, "thank you."

She smiled, "Kayden, you don't need to thank me. You and Angie deserve to be happy. Consider this our wedding gift."

They turned to leave when she said, "we will see you tomorrow."

"Wait. What?" They we're gone. Oh god.

Angie's POV

The next day I awoke and sighed. I looked at my dress, hanging up and couldn't believe that my wedding had been ruined. Thanks dad.

"Angie! Why aren't you ready?" Mel asked as she and the girls walked into the room.

"Why? The wedding is ruined," I said grabbing my pillow and covering my face.

"Since when," Joana asked.

"Since last night."

"No it isn't. We just came from there. Are you drunk?" Gema asked. "I think she's drunk."

I pulled my pillow away from my face and sat up, "what?"

"Well, normal people get ready when they are suppose to get ready," Joana said.

"Listen, we don't have time for your shenanigans puta. You need to get ready and get your ass to the alter so the guys can quit listening to Kayden whine," Gema declared as she walked over and yanked me out of bed.

They helped me get ready and got me to the venue. I stood there as everyone got into formation and stood there. I had no one to escort me when someone held out their arm. I looked up and he looked familiar.

"May I have the honor to escort you to your happily ever?"

"Who are you?" I looked at him with confusion.

"Zeus. Father of Aphrodite and King of the Gods and Goddesses."

"You gave me my life back?"



"Because you showed what unconditional love is. You risked your life for my daughter and you are of pure heart. Now are you ready?"

I looked at him and smiled. I took his arm and he escorted me to Kayden. I noticed the gods and goddesses along with our family and friends in attendance.

He handed me off to Kayden who took my hand as we stood in front of the minister and pledge our love to each other.

I can honestly say, we had an unique wedding. It's not everyday gods and goddesses attend your wedding and your escorted by the king himself. It was absolutely perfect.

Awww, sniff so sweet. I need a moment. Okay, I'm good. Now get ready because next chapter someone special is making their appearance.

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