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Angie POV

After what happened tonight, I didn't want to be alone. Tristan scared the hell out me tonight. I mean he's always been a douche but tonight, he took it way too far. I was actually still in shock from it all. Then hearing him undo his belt and pants, I shuddered at the thought of that sound.

I felt two arms wrap around me from behind. The warmth radiated from them and I felt somewhat relaxed. I hadn't realized I was shaking until I heard them say, "shhhh, I got ya."

I nodded in response as I leaned back against their chest and sighed.

"Okay, so everyone is safe and sound at home and we are on night duty," Venus announced.

I sat there, laying against Kayden. I still felt uneasy.

She walked over and took a seat on the foot of the bed, "Angie, you're okay. Your purity is still intact." She smiled.

"Um, thanks?" I gave her a look.

Venus looked at me, "I know what happened tonight seems scary," she began to say.

"Seems?" I sat forward as I broke from Kayden's arms. "No tonight was hell. I felt like my life was over. But you wouldn't know about that, would you?"

I got up off the bed and started pacing.

"I mean how could you? You're a god. Gods are powerful. They can stop anything or anyone. Us mortals are inept and inferior because all you gods are concerned with is yourself," I snapped.

"That's enough," Mars ordered me.

"Excuse me? You don't get to make a decision when things are enough. You maybe the god of war but you do not control me," I shot back.

"No but your anger is fueling my power," he replied.


"You're anger. Conflict. Anything that pertains to war, fuels my powers. Whether you understand or not, you mortals fuel a lot more than you realize," he explained

I stood there. He was right. I felt incredibly angry but I did have a reason too.

I walked over and sat down on the bed letting out a frustrated sigh. Venus turned to me.

"Angie, what Tristan did was a terrible thing, but not everything that happens will be terrible."

I looked at her. I didn't really believe her at that moment.

"I understand your frustrations. I do. I was forced into a marriage with Vulcan when my heart belongs with Mars."

"What?" I looked at her confused.

"As gods our lives aren't always easy. We are forced into situations that we do not want to be in. We have to answer to our King Zeus for he rules Mount Olympus. He earned the right as king for defeating the titans."

I had heard the stories but not heard them first hand.

"Cronus and Rhea, brother and sister titans, married and bore Zeus. He took them on to defeat Cronus, long with his siblings and others. He overthrew them and became a god in the process, proclaiming Olympus as his home and ours," she gestured between her and Mars.

"Wouldn't that make Zeus a titan," I asked her.

"In a sense, hence why he is powerful. Zeus happens to be our father."

"Wait. What?" This was turning bizarre.

"As immortals and gods the rules you mortals have so not apply to us. We have powers and abilities like no other. But when it comes to us greek gods we do have to answer to our King and lord."

"And what if you go against him," I asked her.

"Then we are punished and banished from Mount Olympus. Zeus is fair and just when it comes to us," she explained to me.

They say Gods have it better because they are gods but when it comes down to it they have to answer to someone else just like we do.

"Angie when we saw Tristan with you and you so upset, my heart ached. I don't know what it is but, seeing you in trouble bothered me immensely. I have never felt this strong connection to a mortal they way I do with you," she said to me.

I sat there and looked at her. She seemed different than when I first met her. She had this air about her but over time it disappeared. She seemed to soften a bit.

"Because you care about me," I said to her.

"Maybe. Actually that is false."

I looked at her confused. She got up and walked around wiggling her finger, "no, I do not just care about you. I love you." She exclaimed.

Kayden and my mouth dropped. I stood up, "whoa! I do not like girls," I exclaimed.

"What?" She looked at me confused.

"Maybe you are into that and that's totally cool but I am so not into women," I said defensively, moving my arms back and forth. "No way, no how."

"I don't love you like Mars," she corrected me.

"You don't?"

"No. I love you but like a sister," she said, causing me to relax. That was a relief.

Venus POV

I looked at Angie as her body relaxed. I did not understand this love she thought I was implying. I know of it from others but not from myself. Mars was who I loved deeply. Angie was like how Diana was to me, a sister.

When I saw that scoundrel pin her and threaten her, something exploded inside of me. It was at that moment I saw the ugliness that emerged. At that moment I realized why Zeus had sent me here. I had exhibit ugliness myself.

Ironic. The Goddess Of Love and Beauty was anything but. I felt so ashamed of myself. I had abused my powers and it took one horrific moment to enlighten me.

"Venus?" I heard Mars call me but something stirred inside of me and I took my hand and held it up. Then a light produced as something appeared. A flower. Then they watched it bloomed inside my hand. Then vines formed in the room as buds appeared with flowers emerging.

"Whoa," Kayden said as he got up. He touched them and they shifted.

I looked at Angie, "not everything in this world is ugly. Sometimes beauty lies underneath. You just have to see past the ugliness to see the beauty."

She smiled at me and I smiled back at her.

I tossed the mortal into a room. He stood to his feet.

"You say Venus attends lessons with you?"

"Y-yes," he stammered. Typical mortal. Always frightened.

Then out stepped Rhea with a female mortal, "she too has informed me that Venus and Mars are residing here."

"W-what are you going to do with us," she asked with a stammer.

"You shalt help Vulcan, obtain the information he requires for us and then you shalt die," she proclaimed.

I watched as they trembled.

"You shalt come with us. Hopefully Cronus is in a fair mood," I spoke to them, pointing to an exit. They were to come back to Tartarus with us and give us every bit of information they had.

That's if they survive the trip.

We exited through the doorway and Rhea transported us back to Tartarus. One way or another Aphrodite you will return to me.

Oh dear. Tristan and Suzanne got themselves in a bit of a pickle. Oops. Sorry, not sorry.

Get ready because things are going to start to heat up as we head towards the Valentine's day chapter. But first other things must be included before that happens.

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