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Mars POV

I had gym class with all the other male mortals. That was fine. I needed the physical activity. On Mount Olympus we were always challenged to show off our physicality amongst the other gods. We held competitions often. I quite enjoyed them.

I stood with the other mortals as they ran around doing other things like chasing a ball. I will never understand them. Then we were taxed with running. Fine by me.

As we ran, most were slow. These fools needed help. How can you claim to be the best when you are slow. Athena would have a field day with them as would Apollo. Which reminds me, I may need to call upon those two at some point.

I ran never breaking a sweat until a mortal decided to trip me. I crashed onto the floor and turned to see him smirking. My anger boiled as I rose to my feet.

"How was your trip? See you next fall," he snickered.

As my temper flair so did my powers. I stomped my foot, making the ground shake, causing everyone to fall to the floor.

I walked over to the mortal and picked him up with one hand, "you dare defy me," my voice boomed.

He stared at me in confusion as did everyone else.

"Hey man, calm down," I heard someone say. I turned to see another mortal along with three others approach me.

"Calm? You ask me to be calm? Are you challenging me?"

"No, but trying to help you a bit," the mortal spoke to me.

I looked at him. Wait a minute. This was the mortal Venus was looking for. He is part of her quest.

"Yeah, shaggy here isn't worth it," another said I believe they called him Fletcher.

"Trust us, we hate him as much as you do right now," another by the name of Dante said.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't destroy him right now," I told him. I could break this mortal like a twig.

"Because you really don't want to cause a scene now would you Mars," I heard a familiar voice say.

I turned to see none other than Apollo leaning against the wall. When did he arrive?

"Put the insect down," he said looking bored.

"Fine." With that I threw him as he went flying threw the air, landing in a bin of balls.

"Such a temper you have," he sighed.

"Why are you here?"

"Because you need to curb your temper and I was sent," he smirked.

Then he walked over to the other mortals.

"Interesting." He checked them out, until he stopped in front of the mortal Kayden. He purses his lips, "hmm."

"Can I help you?"

"Nope. I must be going now," he said waltzing off. He walked away and out of the door as everyone watched.

Kayden's POV

I swear to god, something strange was going on here. Either that I needed sleep. A lot of sleep. I washed up in the locker room and got changed. I was still trying to wrap my mind around it. What just happened and who was that other guy?

I walked out of the locker room only to come face to face with the new guy.

"So, tell me who is that being that tripped me?"

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