The outcome: A Valentine's day chapter part 3

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Kayden's POV

I stood there as her lifeless body laid on the cold ground. I didn't know what was going on. I just knew my heart was broken. I finally was able to be with someone I truly loved and it was taken away from me in matter of seconds. Life was cruel.

I looked at all of them, what could they possibly do to change this? They destroyed everything in their path. They came here with the pretense only to destroy the one thing they claimed to protect. I scoffed at that thought.

I stood there as tears fell down my cheeks. I just wanted to look in her eyes again and see that light. Right now I felt darkness engulf me. Life was cruel.

"Hermes, did you retrieve the item I requested," Hades questioned him.

"Aye," he said as he handed Hades the light.

He took it and handed it to Zeus, "my lord, as you requested."

Zeus took the light and held it up and then a bright light appeared. I covered my eyes as it exploded.

Angie's POV

Light surrounded me as I looked around. Everything felt peaceful and I felt nothing but love. Is this what happens when you die? I turned to see a figure walking towards me.

They got closer until they stood in front of me. Venus.

"Hello, my fair Angie," she greeted me with a smile.

"Where am I?" I looked around.

"You are in the center of love. A love that is endless. You sacrificed yourself. Why?"

"Because that's what you do when you love someone. Isn't that what unconditional love is? Sacrifice?"

She smiled.


"I'm just sorry that I had to leave Kayden. For once in my life, I found someone that loved me unconditionally and showed me the good aspect and now that is gone. I don't understand how love can be so cruel if its suppose to be great? Why destroy someone for it?" I shook my head at the irony.

"Because we can. Doesn't mean it's right but it's how we handle it. I was wrong in every sense. I handled things poorly and disregarded others feelings. It was wrong. All I can do was fix what I ruined because of my selfish behavior," she said to me.

"But as long as you learn that's what matters, right?"

She looked at me and smiled. Then a light became bright.

Venus POV

I watched as Zeus did the one thing only he could do. She let out a gasped as she sat up.

"Angie?!" Kayden exclaimed.


He rushed to her and scooped her up, "oh god I thought you were gone." He cradled her in his arms and kissed her all over.

"It was surreal," she spoke.

I stood there, watching them. Zeus is the only one that revive the dead. Hades sent for Angie's soul. I sacrificed my love so they could have theirs, it was the right thing to do.

"Gods and Goddesses it's time to return to Mount Olympus," Zeus announced as Kayden helped Angie up and everyone return to Earth to its rightful state.

Then once they were done, they all departed to the heavens. I was the last to leave as a light appeared and I was returned to my original look.

Angie walked over to me, "Wow."

"Beauty is skin deep. It starts with love. Remember that," I spoke before departing.

Kayden's POV

We watched everything change back and all of them leave. We stood in the middle of the road and it was quiet. That's when I decided to give her my gift. I pulled out the black velvet box and held it to her.

She turned and looked at me, "What's this?"

"I wanted to give this to you but I didn't get the chance, but I have," I said to her. She took the box and opened it open. Inside laid a promise ring, encased in the velvet.

I removed the ring, "I wanted to give this to you tonight to show you that you're the only one for me. I never planned on any of this happening," I said waving my arm around. She giggled.

"Tell me about it."

I removed the ring and slid it on her finger. Then I wrapped my arms around her. Never again would I lose her like I did tonight. That broke my heart and I never wanted to go through that again.

I slid my hand into hers and we walked to the car. I think tonight was enough for one night. Remind me never to stay in that hotel again.

Over the next few days things had settled down. No one knew what happened on Valentine's day, which was a good thing. As for Venus and Mars, people didn't even remember them except us. The gods had decided to clean up all of it.

I had a feeling this would not be the last I would see of them, if they had their way. I stood in front of my window in a pair of sweats when I felt arms wrap around me from behind.

I turned to see Angie hugging me.

"Are you coming back to bed," she asked.

"Yeah, I was as just thinking."

"About them?"

"Yeah. I mean they were a part of our lives for a while. I kind of miss them," I said with a sigh.

"Oh, why?"

We turned to see them in the room. Mars was sitting on the desk as Venus was standing there.

"You mortals are so predictable," he huffed.

"Is there a reason why you are both here," I asked them.

"She wanted to check on you. Her. Not me. I prefer to be fighting," he retorted.

"I thought you gave up Mars," Angie asked her.

"Wellllll, Zeus caved and aloud us to be together, after he severed my marriage to Hephaestus. Said, that he wasn't in the right either. You should never force anyone to be unhappy. Guess we all learned a little something," she smiled.

"By the way, what happened with him," I asked them.

"Well, due to Hephaestus betrayal and defying Zeus, they had came to a decision to banish him from Mount Olympus. Actually Hera banished him. He would only be allowed to return if he made amends for his actions. Although I prefer to cast my sword into him," Mars shrugged.

Venus gave him a look.

"So, does that mean you're back," Angie asked her.

"No. We are only here to check up on you and will be from time to time. I do love a good love story," she smiled.

I wrapped my arms around her as they said goodbye and disappeared quickly as they appeared. I had a feeling we would be seeing them again. That was fine, considering they made life interesting.

I turned to Angie and gave her a kiss and carried her to bed. I could not get enough of her.

Things are going to speed up a bit as we hit some time jumps, because get ready there is a nice surprise for everyone. It all coincides with Angie's necklace.

See ya next chapter.

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