A war is brewing

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"Lord Zeus, I have returned with word," Apollo announced, entering the house of Zeus.

"What say you," Zeus question as the other gods stood there.

"I have spoke with the remaining gods. Ares received your message. They are working to restore Aphrodite's powers as we speak but shalt be ready for war," he declared.

"Good. We shalt arrived at sundown to catch the titans off guard."

"And Hephaestus? He shan't be let off easy," Poseidon asked.

"He shan't. He will be punished for his betrayal but first the titans must be dealt with." He turned to Apollo, "return to the mortal world and announced to the others to prepare for battle. The mortals shalt be protected at all costs. Even if that means sacrificing Olympus."

"Lord Zeus, how can you forgo our home for measly mortals," Hades growled.

He turned to him, "because they did nothing wrong to earn this. We do not sacrifice innocence's for our own selfish needs. Have none of you learned from what I did with Aphrodite?"

"But we are gods," Hades proclaimed.

"And we are no better than mortals. We provide many attributes but it does not make us better than them," he exclaimed looking at Hades. "As Gods we must remember that we are to provide and protect, not succumb to selfish behavior."

"Aye, my lord," Hades spoke.

Zeus walked a few steps in front of them and turned to them, "the mortals shalt not perish. They shalt be protected at all costs. We shalt stop the titans and deal with Hephaestus accordingly. This is my final decision. Prepar for battle, we shalt arm ourselves and arrived at sundown on the day of love."

They stood before Zeus and answered with an "aye."

With that Zeus walked from them into his room. He needed to ready himself for battle. He walked onto a platform and stood with his hand raised as lightening struck him, coursing through his body and igniting his soul. It was a power he called up.

As he worked on arming himself, so did the other gods. Hades returned to the underworld, with power coursing through body. He decimated thing on sight before taking his throne in the underworld.

A figure appeared as Hades spoke, "Charon, prepare for battle and souls to be delivered."

"What souls, my lord," he whispered.

"Titan souls," he declared.

"Aye my lord," he whispered as he turned and walked away.

While Hades ready the underworld for souls, Poseidon ready the sea.

He brought forth waves over fifty feet tall and controlled them as his body coursed with power. He drew on the sea with power that it shook everything in its path. Sea life came to the surface, "my lord," a merman announced.

"Prepare for battle. Protect the mortals. Zeus's orders. Call upon the sirens," he ordered.

"Aye my lord," as they emerged into the sea and traveled to bring forth the sirens. They emerged as Poseidon look to them.

"Sirens you shalt ready yourself for battle."

"We ready for nothing," they sung.

"Zeus has declared war. You oppose him and suffer great death," he declared.

They stopped singing abruptly, "aye."

"Defy me again and I will skewer you," he ordered. "Remember who you are speaking to."

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