A Valentine's day delivery

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"Come on my love, you're almost there," Ares spoke as he held Aphrodite as he propped her up.

"Ahhhhh," screamed as Hera helped her.

"Aphrodite, one more push," she ordered as she screamed giving one good push.

Then a cry was heard and the gods and goddesses cheered. Hera took the child and held them up, "it's a boy!"

Aphrodite cried in relief as Hera cleaned the cherub up and swaddled him. She carried him over to Aphrodite and placed him in her arms. She turned and exited the room to announce the arrival of the son of Ares and Aphrodite.

"He's beautiful," Ares declared.

"He is the god of love," she announced.

"For what name shall be given, my love?"

"Eros," she spoke.

They spent time with Eros as a family but that would come short live for them.

Kayden's POV

We sat in the doctors office. We had been trying for months to conceive and nothing has worked. We tried in vitro and even that failed. The doctors were baffled and we were defeated.

We sat there as the doctor explained everything and we came to the conclusion that having a family wasn't in the cards for us. Someone obviously didn't want us to have a family of our own.

We left the doctors office and I knew Angie was down. She had her heart set on a baby but it was never to happened. Fletcher and Mel had a little girl, they named Ava, Dante and Joana had a boy named Michelangelo who they called Mike. Gema and Emmett were still on the fence.

I driver her home, holding her hand in mine as she stared out of the window. She had been quiet since we left the doctors office. I couldn't blame her. My heart ached for her.

We walked inside and I said, "hun it will be okay."

"Kayden, I can't even give you a family," she said dejected.

I took her hands, "hey, look at me. We can always adopt. I mean there are a lot of children out there that need a home. Right?"

"I'm going to bed," she said somberly as she walked up the stairs. I watched her. Every time she took a test and it came back negative, I watched her heart become crush more and more. I needed to figure out what to do.

Aphrodite's POV

The sirens sounded, which Mount Olympus was under attack. There had been rumblings Hephaestus had escaped from his place of banishment. He had found out Ares and I had a child and declared he would take the child from us. I could not let that happen.

Ares came rushing in, "Aphrodite, hurry!"

"I'm hurrying!" I wrapped Eros in a blanket and placed him in his carrier. I took an envelope and stuck it in the side of his carrier. "Ares, what kind of mother sends their child away?"

"A mother that protects them and knows they will be cared for. We have spoken if this my love. We are sending him to people that will love him as his own," he spoke looking me in the eyes.

A tear escaped my eye as he picked up the carrier and carried it away, "take care, my child. For I am protecting you."

Ares hurried to hand Eros off as Mount Olympus came under attack. Someone took the carrier from Ares and left as Ares rejoined Athena and the other warrior gods and goddesses defending Mount Olympus.

Eros must be concealed until his eighteenth birthday. I made sure that his powers would never emerge until then. It was the only way to keep him cloaked to cast Hephaestus away.

This was my ultimate gift.

Kayden's POV

I was getting ready to call Gema to see if she could come and help Angie since she didn't have any kids at the moment. I didn't want to send her in more of a downward spiral than she already was.

There was a knock at the door. I stopped and walked over to the door. I looked around and didn't see anyone so, I decided to close the door when I heard a "aaaaa."

I opened the door and on the doorstep was a basket of some sort with a blanket over it. I crouched down and the blanket moved causing me to fall backwards, then I heard noises.

I got back up and knelt over the basket, lifting the blanket and found a baby. My face turned to surprise. I picked it up and carried it inside, "now where did you come from?"

I closed the door behind me and carried it over to the coffee table, setting it down. I sat down on the couch and stared at it. A baby? Who this heck leaves their baby on someone's doorstep?

As I sat there, Angie came downstairs, "Kayden, I thought about it and decided that maybe adoption is our best avenue."

The baby let out a squeal and she stopped, "um, is that a baby?"


"When did we get a baby?"

"Just now," I said as I set my chin in my hands.

She walked over and took a seat next to me, "where did it come from?"

"I don't know. I was in the kitchen and heard a knock at the door. When I answered it, there was a basket," I said to her.

The baby started to cry and Angie reached over and picked it up, comforting it. The baby settled down as she held it and rubbed it's back. She was a natural.

I noticed an envelope in the side of the inside if the basket. I pulled it out and opened it up. I read it aloud to Angie.

My fairest Angie and Kayden,

I am writing this to tell you Mount Olympus is under attack. Hephaestus has escaped his banishment and is seeking revenge. I don't know how long this shalt go on but I am sending you a special delivery, Ares and my son, Eros.

Eros is the god of love. I have cloaked his powers until his eighteenth birthday so he will not be found. You are my only hope to protect him. I have faith that the two of you will love and protect just as I would have.

Please accept this as my thank you for helping me and my ultimate gift to you. A baby is a gift, cherish him always.

All my love,

I laid the note down and leaned over and looked at him, "well Eros I believe you are our gift we were hoping for."

Just then Angie's necklace lit up. We looked at each other and that's when we realized, Angie held in her arms Cupid, the god of love. Guess the myth is true and we had him.

Aphrodite and Ares entrusted us with their child and we were going to take great care of him. First things first, his name would have to be altered, if we wanted to keep him hidden.

Welcome to the family Eric Eros Micheals, we've been waiting for you.

Get ready because the final chapter is next. There will be a time jump of two years and a lead into to what's coming.

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