Mortals and gods: A dance to be had by all aka Homecoming part 2

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Angie POV

I walked into my house and went straight to my room. My phone kept blowing up. I didn't feel like talking to anyone. I mean what could they say?

I sat on my bed next to my window and looked out into the dark sky. All I wanted was honesty and someone that cared about me. Is that too much to ask? I thought about Tristan. We started dating sophomore year. At first I thought things were great until I caught him with the first girl, then from there it was the same thing. Lies.

Tomorrow was the dance. I looked at the dress hanging up, I had bought to wear and sighed. Guess I can wear it another time.

A soft knock came at my door, "hunny Gema is here."


I heard footsteps as the door open and Gema entered. She walked over and sat down next to me, "you okay?"

"No," I whispered. I looked at my hands as I played with them. "I thought he was different."

Then the tears started to fall as I started to cry. She wrapped her arms around me.

"Angie, listen to me. Kayden is different. You should have heard what he said to her when you left."

"What?" I snuggled.

"Look at me. Kayden didn't know it was her. He thought it was you but with the mass confusion, he didn't realize who it was."

"Are you defending him?" I looked at her.

"No of course not. But Kayden isn't like Tristan. Emmett told me that all he does is talk about you. He said it's kind of boring but still," she shrugged.

I gave her a look.

"Look you can sit there and lose something potentially great or you can fight for it. Your choice," he said to me.

As much as I wanted to believe her at that moment, I was skeptical.

"I'll think about it but I'm not going to the dance," I proclaimed.

"What?! Why not?!"

"Because I'm not," I shrugged.

"Stop being a puta for one minute and go," she demanded.







"Yes!" Drat.

"And my work here is done," she smirked and got up and left. Damn it Gema. Every single time.

She walked out of my room and downstairs to the others, "Well?" Asked Emmett.

"Mission accomplished. Now to get Kayden to the dance," she grinned.

"Leave that to us," Fletcher said.

Kayden's POV

I laid on my bed tossing a ball into the air. It was Saturday and tonight was the dance. Why bother? It's not like I had a date anyways. Angie hated me thanks to Suzanne and once again this troll wrecks things for me. FML.

Then a thought flashed through my mind. This was the perfect opportunity for Tristan to move in. Ugh, I said letting out a low growl. Now really FML.

Let's face it, I was doomed to be unhappy. I let out a sigh as I continued to toss the ball in the air.

I don't know how long I was in that position but my door opened up to reveal the guys in tuxes.

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