Apollo's warning

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Venus POV

Mars and I walked out of the structure when a bell sounded to a parking lot. We found Apollo leaning against a fancy chariot.

"Apollo we are suppose to be keeping a low profile," Mars said to him.

"You are, not me. I don't attend this abomination," he retorted.

"Why are you here Apollo? Did Zeus send you," I asked him.

"No. I came her on my own regard. Good thing because if I would have not shown up, Mars would have made a fatal mistake," he reasoned.

"Mortals. They need to be taught a lesson. He chose to attack me."

"See, that's your problem Mars, you always feel like you're being slighted no matter what. Your temper will always be your downfall," Apollo said.

"Maybe so, but I can handle conflict and war with the best of them," Mars countered.

"Well, there is a bigger issue at hand."

We looked at him.

"Hephaestus is inquiring about Aphrodite."

"Why," I asked him.

"Because he wants to know where you wandered off to, since he is your husband and all. He keeps asking if you are off with Ares. Little does he know you are," Apollo said to us.

"But it's no secret that I'm with Aphrodite," Ares said to him.

"Yes but you know he is so insecure about his looks that he feels Aphrodite improves him," Apollo said to us.

"I do not love him. I was forced to marry him. My heart will belong to Ares," I said emphatically to Apollo.

"Doesn't matter," Apollo replied. "Truth be known, it is a matter of time before Hephaestus realizes where you're at and Ares is with you."

"But I was sent her by Zeus."

"For a quest that ultimately determines if you can return or not. Aphrodite, I am advising you now, do not treat Hephaestus as a non threat. He is more of a threat than you realize."

Apollo's work echoed through my mind. He was right. Where Ares had a temper, Apollo was the voice of reason.

"So, who else's will be showing," I asked him.

"Artemis wanted to come as did Athena. I advise them to stay back but do expect their arrival at some point," he warned as he opened the chariot door and climbed in. From there he rode off. Mortals chariots are much different than ours.

I looked at Ares.

"Are you going the heed Apollo's warning?"

"Yes. But first I have a quest to finished. I must do this quickly because of Hephaestus has his way, I will not succeed," I spoke with determination. Hephaestus would punish me in the cruelest manner, by humiliation. I refuse to allow that to happen.

Angie's POV

I couldn't help but think about what the new girl said today in class about love. I thought for sure I loved Tristan in the beginning but I realized I didn't. I had completely messed up the idea of love with actual love.

"Earth to Angie," Mel said pulling me out of my thoughts.


"Girl, what's got you so distracted that you are in la la land," she asked me as Gema and Joana looked at me in the booth of the local hangout.

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