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Apollo arrived after inquiring about information to be stop by Aletheia, goddess of truth.

"Aletheia, I must speak with you at once," he beckoned.

"Apollo, what must say you," she inquired.

"There is much rumblings about Hephaestus, arriving to the mortal world. Is this true?"


"Speak, for only you know the truth," he commanded.

"He, who is jealous, seeks retribution. Feels wronged by another. His jealousy will bring about death and mass destruction for all involved," she advised.

"How bad shalt the destruction be?"

"Epic proportions. He, is the one to deliver betrayal to epic proportions," she spoke.

"Does King Zeus know of such betrayal?"


"Why have you not informed him of such atrocities?"

"Apollo, tis not my place to deliver such news. I only informed when I am asked. King Zeus as not inquired. He did deny Hephaestus request to retrieve Aphrodite. He, chose not to listen to our King and for that he will suffer consequences," she informed Apollo.

"Come with me. We must inform our King," he commanded as they turned and walked to the throne. A swift knock at the door alerted Zeus of visitors.

"Speak before entering," he demanded.

"Lord Zeus, tis I, Apollo, God of messages along with Aletheia, Goddess of truth. May we speak?"


They entered the throne room to find Zeus and Hera sat upon their throne chairs.

Apollo and Aletheia knelt before them, in respect.

"Speak," Zeus ordered.

"Our Lord we have came with distressing news. Another has betrayed your honor," Apollo offered.

"And who has betrayed me," Zeus inquired as he stood and descended from his throne chair. They both looked at him as he barked, "goddess of truth, Speak the truth."

"Hephaestus, my lord."

"What else?"

"He has chosen to shift to another side," she spoke.


Being the goddess of truth she could not deny him information.

"He has joined with the Titans to dethrone you," she informed him.

"Stand, the both of you," he ordered. They stood up and looked at him.

"Aletheia, you are the goddess of truth, deliver total truth to me," he spoke to her.

"Lord Zeus, Hephaestus has chosen to ignore your denial to retrieval of Aphrodite. Jealousy clouds his judgement. The Titans are planning to dethrone you and mortals are set to perish. They have already made contact with the mortal world," she explained.


"Hephaestus and Titan Rhea, my lord."


Without flinching, "end of days shalt be Valentine's day in the mortal world."

Zeus turned to Hera, "goddess of protection of gods call upon the others and bring them forth."

"Yes my lord," she bowed as she turned and left the throne room.

"Lord Zeus, what is our plan of attack, twelve Titans will decimate is in mere seconds. Who are we going to bring in to cover Hephaestus spot," Apollo inquired.

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