Lies and other tales

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I walked into the house of Zeus calling for my wife, "Aphrodite!" I heard nothing. I bellowed for her. I knew something was amiss with this. They have been keeping me from her, claiming illness. I know for a fact gods to not turn ill. We are immortal.

"Aphrodite! Come out now!" I demanded.

"She's not here," a voice said.

I turned to see Astraea. Goddess of Truth.

"Where is she?"



"She has a quest to fulfill before returning to Mount Olympus," she informed him.

"Then I shall retrieve her," he proclaimed.

"No, you shalt not."

"And why not?"

"Because Zeus gave her this quest. She is not to return until it is completed. If it is not completed she is not to return to Mount Olympus."

"I am her husband. I do not tolerate this."

She walked by him holding her hands, "intolerance shall be your downfall. You do not oppose Zeus when it comes to his quests. For he will cast you from Mount Olympus," she advised him.

"We shall see about that," he declared as he stormed past her.

"A fool for he is," she sighed as she walked away.

I walked into Zeus's throne and found him standing there with his back to me. As I took a step towards him he spoke, "you dare intrude in my house. What's say you?"

"King Zeus, I have come for my wife, Aphrodite," I announced.

"Ah yes, Aphrodite is quite busy at the moment on the quest I bestowed her," he spoke.

"I would like permission to retrieve her," I asked of him.

"Permission denied."

"For why, King Zeus?"

He turned to me and walked towards him, "you question me?"

"No of course not my lord."

"But it sounds like you are. If you are that makes you a fool," he told me.

"Lord Zeus, she was given to me. She is mine."

"And she was assigned a quest. Hephaestus you are acting like a spoilt child. You dare to come into my house and question my decision? Are you mad?"

"No my lord."

"Do not question me ever. I am king of Mount Olympus and ruler of all gods. If you so as attempt to retrieve Aphrodite I shalt banish you," he declared to me.

"Yes my lord," I spoke before turning to leave. As I walked away, I fumed. I knew for a fact Aphrodite was with Ares. They would pay severely for their indiscretion.

As I walked down the corridor I was stopped by Astraea.

"Out of my way Astraea," I barked.

"Hephaestus, I am the goddess of truth. Shalt I show you what is to come if you do not heed Zeus' warning?"

"You are an insolent, minuscule god. Your words have no bearing on me."

"That's were you are wrong. I am not insolent. I just speak the truth. Truth is harsh and cold but still be truth it is. Aphrodite does not love you. Her heart belongs to another. No matter what you may think, you will never win her heart for she is the goddess of love. Her love belongs to another."

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