Time jump 2 years: where are they now

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Angie's POV

It's been two years since Eric arrived and we could not be happier. He was such a happy, chubby baby and an active toddler but it was so worth it.

"There's my boy," Kayden said walking into the house and over to Eric. Eric held up his arms to Kayden and Kayden picked him up.

"Da da," he said to Kayden.

Kayden gave him hugs and kisses.

"I say we take this little guy to the park later and then for ice cream," he said as he tickled Eric.

"You're going to spoil him," I shook my head with a look.

"Eh, I love spoiling my family," he smiled as he leaned down and gave me a kiss. We went into the kitchen to have dinner.

Gema's POV

Emmett and I received a call about a domestic abuse case. I hated these calls. They never ended well. We both became social workers to help others and hopefully help people get help. We had been so busy, that having a family was on the back burner. There were times when I saw the girls with their kids that sometimes I felt a slight emptiness to me.

We pulled up to a house and our worse fears were confirmed. They were bringing out bags. I shook my head. Not another one. It was so heartbreaking.

I walked into the house while Emmett talked to the officers and looked around. The house was filthy and rundown. I walked into the kitchen and it was equally horrible. How can people live like this?

Then I heard it. A noise. I looked around and followed it, until I found myself in a bedroom. The bed had been soiled and there were ashtrays of cigarette butts along with drug paraphernalia.

Then I heard it again. I walked around and it was coming from the closet. I opened the door to reveal a child. She couldn't have been more than two. Her hair was a mess, she was filthy and looked like she hadn't eaten in days.

I crouched down and smiled at her, "hi sweetheart."

"Hi," her tiny voice spoke.

"Have you've been in here a long time?"

She nodded.

"What's your name?"


"How old are you?"

She held up two fingers.

I looked at her, "would you like to come with me?"

She nodded and I held out my hand. Her tiny hand took it and I gently held it as I led her out of the house. They all turned around as Greg walked over, "who is this?"

"This is Bri. I found her in the closet in the bedroom."

"I see."

I looked down to see her clinched to my leg.

"Gema, we're going to have to take her in foster care," he said to me.

"No go," I heard her tiny voice say. I looked down and she held on tight.

I crouched down, "Bri, they will take very good care of you."

"Me stay."

"Oh hunny, you can't stay here. It's not good," I explained.

"No. Me stay wif you," she jutted our her bottom lip. It broke my heart. There was something about this little girl that I couldn't let go. She needed something better than what she came from and was going to go into.

"Gema, you know the rules," Greg said.

Emmett walked over and crouched down, "hi sweetheart. What's your name?"


"Well, Bri, I'm Emmett and this is my wife Gema."

She walked over to Emmett, "Emet," she pointed. Then turned to me, "Ema." Then to herself, "Bri."

Emmett looked at Greg, "I know it's against the rules but maybe this one time we can bend the rules. Have a heart."

He sighed and said, "fine but if you both decide to keep her you're going to have to go through all the paperwork."

"Fine by me," Emmett shrugged.

"What I do for my employees," he grumbled as he walked away throwing his hands up in the air.

I took Bri's hand and led her to the car. We always kept a car seat in the car just in case we had to transport a child. Emmett picked her up and set her in the seat and buckled her in.

We climbed in and made our way home. First things, first, this child needed a bath. While I got her bath water ready, Emmett ran to the store to pick up a few items until we could properly shop for her.

I helped her undress and placed her in the tub. I washed her up and could see she was underweight. How could parents do this? They have one job. I watched Kayden and Angie try to have a baby and couldn't.

Then they ended up with Eric. I've never seen two people over the moon for a child like they were. I heard Emmett return and let out the bath water. I pulled her out of the tub and wrapped her in a fluffy towel. She had the most beautiful caramel skin and the cuties curls. She had chocolate brown eyes that matched well. She was absolutely adorable.

I picked her up and carried her into our room. He set the stuff on the bed and we got her dress. Once she was dressed we took her downstairs so we could have dinner.

Emmett held her on his lap while he fed her. I looked at him and her, realizing that maybe it was time to start a family. With that a smile curl upon my lips.

Six months later
Angie's POV

We all brought the kids to the park. Gema and Emmett had adopted a little girl and she was absolutely adorable. Eric was just taken with the kids especially Ava.

As we watched the guys play with the kids, I didn't noticed Eric veered off from everyone until Kayden told me. We went looking for him and found him with a man. We walked up to them.

"You're such a sweet child. How would you like to come with me?"

Kayden walked over and picked him up, "there you are. Don't every take off on us. Okay?"

"Kay," Eric said in a soft voice.

We looked at the man, "can we help you," he asked him.

"I thought he was lost. I was just going to help him find his parents," the man shrugged.

"Well, no need. We're here and he's fine," Kayden spoke with a look.

"Oh. Then I do apologize," the man said with a shrugged. I got a weird vibe from him.

Kayden and I turned, walking back to the others. We stopped and looked back but the man was gone. Then my necklace lit up.

"Do you think that was him," I asked Kayden.

"Possible. Which means we need to keep Eros in our sights at all time. Venus and Ares is counting on us," Kayden whispered.

"One day they may come for him," I sighed.

"Well, if they do, then they have a right to know him. Until then he's ours to protect and love."

He looked at Eric and smiled.

At some point I knew the day would come when we would have to tell Eros who he is and who his parents really are. One day, he will find out he is the god of love, Cupid. Until then all we can do is love him. Right?

Stay tuned because there is a sequel coming titled Eros. Our gods and goddesses return as will everyone else as Eros comes into his powers but first he has to adjust to the mortal world.

Easier said than done.

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