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I sat in the car thinking about what happened this morning. I couldn't be losing my mind. I mean, could I? Things don't just randomly turn on my themselves, do they? People talk about ghosts but I never believed in that sort of stuff. Too many coincidences.

Emmett walked out and climbed into the car with me.

"Why do you look like you saw a ghost," he asked me.

I gave him a look, "Nothing. Just some weird shit happening at home. Might be an electrical problem."

"I figured it was more of a gimmie problem," he said to me. I looked at him. "You know, oh Kayden, gimmie this or Kayden gimmie that." He spoke in a high pitch voice, held his hands together as he fluttered his eyelashes.

"Man, you keep acting that way and people are going to think you switch teams," I scoffed as I turned over the engine and pulled out.

We made our way to school.

"Kayden, you need to cut that chick loose. Trust me. She is nothing but a shallow human being. I told you months ago to cut her loose," he told me.

"Yes I know, dad. You keep telling me and telling me," I rolled my eyes.

"And you never listen. Even Dante and Fletcher bolt when they see her and you know Fletcher, he does like the ladies. Dante has standards."

"What standards? We go to school with a bunch of chicks that can't seem to get past the makeup, clothes and jewelry. Me, I want someone that has substance."

"Good luck with that," he snickered.

Great. Just what I needed before school. A lecture.

We pulled into the parking lot and as soon as I got out of the car, I got bombarded by Suzanne.

"Kayden! Baby! I've missed you!" She screamed throwing her arms around me, jumping up and down for joy. Ugh. Shoot me know.

I peeled her arms off of me and looked at her. She looked at me confused.

"We need to talk."

"What?! You're breaking up with me?!"

"Wellllll, yeah," I said emphatically.

"Why?" She looked at me even more confused.

"Because. Because. Because I don't like you."


"Suzanne, listen carefully. Are you listening?"


"I don't love you and I definitely don't like you. So, I'm breaking up with you."

She looked at me as I looked at her back, then she smiled.

"Oh, you're just messing with me, you big kidder."

I slapped my face with my palm and moved it down in a frustrated way.

"Ugh, you're not listening! I don't want to be with you!"

Then we started arguing. Just shoot me now.

Mars and I left the closet, after enjoying our morning delight when I heard arguing. Then my powers were leading me in the direction of said arguing.

We peeked around the corner to see two mortals arguing. Something tells me this is the mortal I seek.

We stood there and listen to them.

"Why do mortals have to be so stupid," Mars asked.

"Because they are, especially her."

We watched them. Hmmm, the girl from earlier and the boy here were my quest. They were my ticket home. And those other imbeciles were standing in my way. Bad for them, fun for us.

"Love, be a dear and help a poor mortal out," I cooed to Mars.

"With pleasure my love."

I watched as Mars flicked his wrist and the mortal girl's skirt flew up, revealing her under garments. Then he motioned and his clothes ripped off of her. He motioned his fingers and she went flying down the hall way of the building we were in

The mortal boy stood there in shock.

"Well, done my love," I smiled.

"All with the flick of the wrist, my love," he smirked.

I turned to him, "you have caused my loins to rupture with fire. Take me."

"Always," he said as he picked me up and carried me back to the closet. Every time Mars does something that requires war or anger, he fires me up with lust.

Maybe coming here was a good thing after all.

It seems our gods are all fired up in more ways than one. Don't worry, they are just getting started with every one.

We just begun to scratch the surface. Because Tristan and Suzanne won't be going down quietly. We also have to meet Joana, Mel, Dante, and Fletcher.

Get ready because Joana and Mel show up next.

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