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As soon as Tristan pulled in a parking lot I got out of the car as quickly as I could. I refused to be stuck with him another minute. I hurried into school and to my locker.

The nerve of him. The IT couple. We are so not the IT couple. I stuck my head inside the locker and sighed.

"Thanks for coming to get me," I heard a voice say.

"I would have it wasn't for Sir Douche," I groaned.

"I thought you broke up with him," they said.

I pulled my head out of the locker, "I did. The boy will not take a hint. Supposedly we are the IT couple of Adams high."

Gema looked at me and of course started laughing. Figures.

"This is not funny," I whined n

"Girl, it's funny."

"Gems what am I going to do," I whined even more.

"I guess witness protection is out of the question, isn't it?"

I gave her a look, "cute."

"Yes I am," she giggled.

Just then I saw Tristan walking my way. Fantastic.

"Oh look here comes King Douche," Gema said.

I gave her a look.

"Angie, I thought I told you to behave," he asked me.

"And I thought I told you to drink some bleach," I retorted.

"Are you still upset? You're just too adorable," he said pinching my cheeks. I smacked his hand away.

"Listen, either get with the program or get left in the dust," he ordered.

"I think Angie would look like a fabulous dust bunny," Gema smirked.

I looked at her and she gave me a look as I nodded, "yep."

Tristan gave me a look and took a step towards me, "listen here." From there we started arguing.

"Honestly, I find it utterly revolting to speak their lingo," I said to Mars.

"Well, as of right now you are a seventeen year girl. Get use to it my love," he shrugged.

We had to get paperwork or what ever you call it from their lord and master. I am a god. This was ridiculous. Then something caught my attention. Oh hello, what is this? A look lover's quarrel?

Something was pulling at me. The girl. The boy she was with, was not her destined love. Hmmm.

"I know what you're thinking and no," he said to me.

"Oh come on! Zeus said I could not use my powers. He never said you couldn't," I said giving him a look. "Plus, I know you're looking to have some fun. You miss created and going to war."

He looked at me as a smile formed upon my lips. I knew that hooked him. Mars could not resist anger and war. It was his one weakness besides moi.

"Fine," he huffed as he moved his fingers slightly and we watched the mortal's pants fall. Then he motioned again as the mortal, turned, started walking, tripping and falling. For thE finale, Mars lifted him and slammed him into the locker, knocking him out cold.

I was quite satisfied.

"See," I said to him.

"Okay, I will admit I enjoyed that. Now I want to enjoy something else," he said as he took my hand and led me away.

Gema and I stood there shocked by what happened. To watch Tristan's pants fall down and all that happened to as unreal.

"Did that just happened," she asked me.

"I think so," I said still unsure of what happened.

"Is he drunk," she asked.

"I don't think so."

"So, what just happened?"

"Got me. I mean I'm already having a weird morning as it is."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I woke up and some oldies song was playing then everything went wonky in my bedroom. I'm beginning to think my house is haunted," I said to her.

"Either that or you're just crazy," she grinned n


Gema laughed. Leave it to her to make me feel more insane than I already was. Well at least I don't have to worry about Tristan for a while.

I shut my locker and walked away.

It seems our gods are up to their old tricks again. Just wait, things are going to get better as they really start messing with the mortals. Plus, you're going to be meeting more characters in the next few chapters.

Venus is on a mission and with Mars in tow, anything can and will happen. Count on it.

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