Love is in the air

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Venus POV

I love the feeling of love flowing through the air. When everyone is head over heals in love and taking full advantage of it. I walked through the halls as I saw couples old and new, being so affection with each other.

Plus, they were filled with joyous lust. Ah, the idea of procreation enticed me. Many babies shall be born from these mortals.


"Yes Mars," I said watching everyone and smiling.

"Can you tone it down a bit?"

"But it's fantastic. All these people waiting to procreate at any moment," I smiled.

"Venus, they are children. They should wait," he advise.

I sighed, "oh fine."

Just like that people stopped lusting after each other and went back to normal.

"Now, it's time we procreate ourselves," he said taking my hand. I do love the way he thinks.

Angie's POV

I sat with the girls as we watched the guys practice and of course the topic turned to sex.

"So, what about you and Emmett, Gems, have you done the dirty yet," Mel asked.

"Girl, we have done the dirty and beyond. That boy likes his kink," she snickered.

"What about you Joana," Gems asked her.

"Trust me Dante, definitely knows what he's doing," she smirked.

"What about you Mel," Joana asked her.

"Let's just say Fletcher and I are getting to know each other, if you know what I mean," she said with a hair flip.

"Ooooh," they said in unison.

I sat there and sighed.

"Angie? You okay," Mel asked me.


"You know it's okay that you haven't gotten that far yet. You know that right," Gema asked me.

"I know. It's just what if we get to that point and Kayden feels I'm too inexperienced," I said cringing.

"Angie, Kayden is not Tristan. He is not going to belittle you for your lack of experience," Joana reassured me.

"Maybe it's time you talk to him," Mel said to me.

"I don't want him to think I'm a waste of time," I sighed. They all looked at me with concerned. The truth was every time it came to that with Tristan he would make some snarky remark of how I was a prude because I wasn't ready. It got to the point, I felt completely undesirable.

This was going to be a problem.

Kayden's POV

We practiced for a couple of hours then hit the showers. I couldn't wait to see Angie but something look like it was bothering her when she watched us played.

Then it hit me. What if she wanted to break up again? What if she thought this was a bad idea to try again? What if she felt I wasn't good enough for her?

"Bro, are you planning on staying in there all night," Fletcher asked me.

I turned off the shower and grabbed a towel. I wrapped it around my waist and opened the shower curtain.

"Someone doesn't look happy," Dante said.

"Don't tell me we are going to have to listen to whine about Angie now," Emmett asked me.

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