For whom the bells toll: A god like Christmas

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Angie's POV

With us now on Christmas break, it was going to be interesting to show Venus and Mars what an actual Christmas is like. This should be interesting.

Our first task was looking for a Christmas tree. We walked around the lot as the snow crunched under our feet while Venus stared at the trees.

"This is odd," she said.

"What is," I asked her as Kayden and I looked at her.

"You take a part of nature home and decorate it?" She looked at us confused.

"In a sense yes," I answered her.

"But why? What did that poor living creature ever do to you?"

We looked at her.

She walked over to it, "trees are living creatures. They weep and bleed just like you mortals. They scream in pain. Can you not feel their pain," she asked us.

"Is this chick for real," Fletcher questioned.

She looked at him, "I am not poultry. For that does not make me a chick as you refer," she retorted.

Fletcher gave her a look and Kayden walked towards him, pushing him away. This was turning out to be more fun than I thought.

"You're not one of those tree hugging hippies, are you," Emmett asked her.

"What is this hippie you refer to," Venus question.

He looked at her puzzled as I said, "hey Emmett, I think Gema is talking to a guy."

"What?! Gema! You better not talking to anyone but me, you hear me you hot tamale!"

"What are you going on about you puta?! I'm not even going talking to anyone but the girls!"

"That's not what Angie said!"


"Oops my bad!" I yelled to them.

Apparently, us hunting for a real Christmas tree wasn't working. So, the next best thing was an artificial one. At least it was after we convinced Venus that it was not real and no real tree was as harmed as a result.

We brought the tree back to my house and mom met us as we took it out of the box.

"Fake?! I thought I said a real tree," she questioned me.

"Well, Venus is not a fan in harming nature so, we compromised," I shrugged.

She gave me a look and walked away. Great. We always had a real tree and I could tell mom was not happy. So, like a good daughter I went and talked to her.



"Are you mad?"

She looked at me then sighed, "no. Just a bit disappointed. With your father working a lot, it's the one time we get to spend time together as a family with our traditions," she sighed as she walked over and took a seat at the table.

I walked over and joined her.

"I know but daddy, is doing this so we are taken care of," I reassured her.

"Angie, I know. Trust me I know. It's just with everything, he has to pull all these shifts so the bills can be met and food can be bought," she sighed.

The truth was dad wasn't working all these hours to provide for us, it was so he could see his girlfriend. They didn't think I knew but I did. I just didn't want to destroy this picture mom had created.

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