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Venus by Bananarama playing on an alarm clock radio.


"Angie, are you up yet?!"

"No!"  I said with a muffled sound.

"You're going to be late for your first day or senior year!"

"Good. Maybe I can skip this year and not see Tristan," I mumbled as I pulled my pillow over my head.

As the music continued, my head popped up. What the hell? My alarm wasn't set to that. I got up and walked over to the clock and hit the off button. Then decided to get ready for school. As I was about to leave, my radio came on playing he same song.

I walked over and turned it off. Then my tv turned on playing the video of the same song. I quickly walked over and turned it off. What the hell was that?

I finished getting ready to head to Gema's house. Maybe if I explain to her what happened she can tell me if I'm losing my mind. But then again, we could be having an electrical problem.

Whatever. As I walked, a car pulled up next to me, "hey baby."

I stopped and turned to them.

"I am not your baby."

"Angie, don't be like that. We are suppose to be the IT couple of Adams High," Tristan said.

"The IT couple? You mean me or every other girl you have slept with?"

"I told you nothing happened."

"And I told you, you're a big fat loser that deserves to walk off a cliff but looks like neither one of us are getting our wish, now are we?"

He gave me a look.

"Get in the damn car, Angie." He ordered.

"Go drink some bleach you rat," I shot back.

He got out of the car and I ran.  He ran after me, until he caught me. He carried me back to the car, "let me go Tristan!"

"No!  You're going to get into the car like a good girlfriend and act like the couple we are suppose to be.  You need to knock off this nonsense," he ordered as he open the front passenger side and placed me inside. Then slammed the door shut.

He walked over and got inside.

He turned to me, "listen up.  You're going to be a good girl and act like a good girlfriend.  We are going to be the IT couple of senior year. Now sit there and look pretty," he said to me.

"I hate you," I grumbled.

"Love you two sweetheart."  With that he turned the engine over and the car roared to life. He pulled down the road. I freaking hate him so much.

Okay, my powers were guiding me away from the school until I found myself on some road, in front of another building. I stood there. What a measly little structure.  I thought mortals were suppose to be fantastic creatures.

I walked up to the door and was about to knock when someone grabbed my hand.  I turned to see Mars.

"Are you insane?"  He said to me.

"No, I am a god but now I am irritated," I replied.

"Venus, you can't just randomly knock on someone's door, especially if they don't know you. Mortals are suspicious creatures. They will be sure to call the guards on you," he countered.

"Mars, I don't have time for frivolous nature. I am on a mission. I need to find this wretched mortal and do what I came here to do then go home," I snapped.

He looked at me intently, "I am the god of war and right now your anger is turning me on. Oh what I want to do with you now, my love," he spoke as he got close and crashed his lips into mine.

Things became heated quickly until I stopped.

"What," he asked as he attacked my neck.

"We need to go," I said pushing him away. Something was drawing me away. My powers were going mad, as they led me away and in a different direction.

As I walked Mars followed behind me. We walked along the road and as we passed people they either started becoming amorous or started fighting. Our powers were messing with the mortal world.

I stopped and looked at Mars, "darling, if I am to succeed, can you tone down the war power a bit?"

"Oh right," he said as he took control of his power of war.

The last thing I needed was conflict. Now on to my next quest. This had better be good.

It seems Aphrodite is having an interesting time on earth. Now with Ares with her, it should make for an even interesting dynamic for our two destined characters.

Like they say, all is fair in love and war and who better to show that but The Roman gods themselves Venus and Mars.

Wait until you see what they do with the mortals and how their actions affect everyone.

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