A feast shall be had by all

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Angie's POV

Tonight was Fletcher's party. Parties weren't really my thing. I preferred a night just hanging out with my friends. I looked in the mirror and sighed.

"Angie, you need to let go and have fun," Gema said to me.

I stared at myself, "why? So I can be reminded that I'm destined to be with douchebags my whole life."

"Angie, Gema is right. Lighten up," Mel said.

I looked at Joana, as she said, "I'm on their side."

They were no help whatsoever. Fine, let's get this over with. We headed out to the party. Oh joy.

Kayden's POV

Word spread quickly about the party which meant people were coming. That's fine as long as a certain someone showed up.

"Dude relax, she'll be here. You're acting squirrelly," Emmett said to me.

"What if she doesn't come? Then you all get to hang with someone and I'm left holding my dick," is shot back.

"Well, if you do, take that shit somewhere else," Fletcher said walking up and handing me a drink.

"I think you can relax," Dante said.

I looked at him, "why?"

He pointed at the door. I turned and there she was. She was with her friends. Okay Kayden be cool and just say hi, I reminded myself.

I walked over to them.

"Hey, you came," I said trying to act casual.


"Want to go somewhere and talk," I asked her.

"Yeah, sure," she shrugged.

She followed me through the crowd as we made our way outside. I wanted to be able to talk without so much noise and not have to shout. We stood on the back deck and she walked over to the railing and leaned on it.

"So," I said. God I was nervous. "Nice weather we're having." She looked at me. Ugh I was crashing and burning here. I don't know how Fletcher does it.

Angie's POV

I watched as he fumbled with his words. He was actually pretty cute when he did this. I decided to cut him some slack.

"You know you're really terrible at this," I said to him and he sighed.

"Tell me about it."

I giggled and he looked at me, "wait are you messing with me?" He walked towards me as I smirked. I leaned on the railing next to her, "psh, thanks."

"I never took you for a nervous person."

"I never had a reason to be nervous," he smiled. He had a beautiful smile. "Until now." Those words made me blush at that. There was something about Kayden that drew me to him.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. I mean you aren't like other girls and it's refreshing."

"You don't strike me as something that has a hard time with girls," I said to him.

"Well, when you've been stuck with the same person for the past couple of years, you don't really give it much thought, but being free is refreshing," he said to me.

"What? I thought you were with Suzanne?"

"Was. I broke up with her. I was sick of the shallowness about her and plus she's kind of dumb. I was feeling like IQ was dropping points, if I stayed with her," he sighed.

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