All fair in love and.......

519 35 27

Venus POV

It seems the mortals have gotten themselves into quite a fix. That's okay because they were about to have company. Mars was in gym class with the males and I was subject to a lesson with the females.

What lesson did I have but one titled Mythology. I sat in the class as the teacher talked. Blah, blah, blah. Wait. What was that? He is speaking of moi? Hmmm, let's see what this ignorant fool has to say.

I sat there listening to him explain about me. Interesting.

"Now Aphrodite, is the goddess of love. She made people fall in love just by being in their presence," he explained then I started to laugh.

"Is there something funny, Miss......"


"Miss Venus?"

"No. Just Venus," I smiled as every one turned and looked at me.

"Okay Venus, care to enlighten us," he asked me.

"Gladly," I said with a look. "First Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty, happiness and procreation. Her beauty is like no other. She can make people fall in love or she can break them up."

"And why would she do that?"

"Why not? She is a goddess. She can do anything. With a snap of her fingers," I snapped causing the males to turn to me, "she can make anyone fall in love."

The males were all drooling.

"Or a flick of the wrist, she can remove clothing." I flicked my wrist and the instructor's clothes ripped off his body leaving him boxers with heart shape.

"Or a simple look," I leaned forward and winked, "can make any male fall to her feet," which they all did.

The females looked at the males with their jaws agape. Then I blinked and they came to their senses. They all looked at each other confused as I sat back and smirked.

The instructor ran out of the room quickly to find clothes. That should teach him about talking about me.

I looked to see a female looking at me.

"Yes? Did you need something?"

"How did you do that," she asked.

"Ancient Chinese secret," I said putting my finger to my lips and hers clamped shut.

Four other females looked at me stunned.

"Can I help you?"

"Nope," one said as they turned around.

Thought so.

Angie's POV

I didn't know who this Venus was but she was very odd. The four of us sat there glancing at each other a bit confused. But me being me, my curiosity got the best of me.

I turned around to her and she looked at me, "yes?"

"You're new, right?"

"In a matter of speaking. Why?"

"Because you seem so, so."

"So, different," Mel said.

"How so?"

"Well, most guys here don't look at a plain jane like yourself. They're egos are bigger than their dick size," Joana said to her.

"Maybe, they see something that most people don't," I said casually.

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