Time flies: A graduation chapter

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Angie's POV

After that day, things back to normal. As for Tristan and Suzanne, it seemed like people forgot their existence. I can't say I'm sad about it. If I learned anything from Venus is being selfish gets you nowhere and eventually you end up exactly where you're suppose to be.

"Someone help me!" Tristan yelled in the depths of hell.

"Silence mortal!" Hades barked causing him to quiver. "Did you think you wouldn't atone for your misdeeds?"

"B-but I don't deserve to be here!"

Hades chuckled, "amusing, really. Mortals are so predictable. You think you aren't destined for hell but little do you know I await your souls. Now, quit you quivering and get to work." He ordered Tristan to work. Hard labor where his soul was destined to remain.

He turned to Suzanne, "come here my pretty."

She slowly made her way to him.

"Kneel before me."

She obeyed as he looked at her, "you know your place and what I want. Now do as your told."

She reached up and undid his pants as she pulled him out and lowered her head. He sat there as she continued on him.

Charon entered, "my lord," he whispered.


"New souls have arrived, my lord."

"Aye. I shalt be there shortly," he spoke as Charon turned and walked out. Hades moved his hand and stroke her hair, "that's good my pet. You give such pleasure to your lord."

He sat back and smiled a devilish smile as she continued as she was told.

Kayden's POV

It seemed the months flew by. Between baseball, prom, finals and graduation, we were all busy during these months. Angie and I were going strong as the rest of everyone.

Even with college, we decided to attend the same school. I decided to go into coaching while she went for teaching. It was a logical choice for us.

We finally made it to graduation and I decided to try and get through the next four years before making any concrete decisions in regards to us. I just wanted to enjoy life for once with Angie by my side.

Angie's POV

Graduation finally arrived and I was mixed with happiness and apprehension. I was happy be leaving high school behind but wondered for the future held for us.

I was chosen as Valedictorian for our school. I hated speaking in front of large groups. My nerves were on edge. I took a deep breath and placed my cap on my head, pinning it in place.

"Angie, hunny are you ready?"

"Yeah, be right there!"

I finished up and grabbed my speech. I walked downstairs to mom waiting for me, "by the way, your dad will be there."

I looked at her, "why?"

"He said he was coming," she shrugged.

"Don't expect me to be pleasant," I said to her.

"Hunny, you're eighteen. You're an adult. I'm not going to force you to do anything," she smiled. I smiled back as we left.

My parents divorced after my decided to leave my dad. I didn't blame her. She deserve better and so did I. She even got a job and had been dating a man the last few months. He seemed nice but I'm reserving judgement.

As for my dad, after I told him off and decided I wasn't going to let him ruin my view on love, I have been much happier. He tried to interfere with Kayden's and my relationship trying to act like a dad but the strange part was he always encountered some misfortune. I had a feeling who was causing it.

As for Kayden's parents they were absolutely incredible. Apparently they weren't fans of Suzanne. Kayden said that they loved me so much they always wanted me over. I think they secretly like me better than him.

We pulled into the area and I got out of the car only to be tackled by my crazy boyfriend.

"Kayden, it's only been a morning," mom chuckled.

"Yeah a morning too long," he said crashing his lips into mine.

"It's about time got here. All we heard was, is Angie coming? Where is she? Why isn't she here? I knew I should have went and got her. What if she got into an accident?" Emmett spoke in a high pitch mocking tone making me giggle.

"I'm just a little over protective," Kayden replied.

"Dude you sound like a chick," Fletcher added.

"And an ugly one at that," Dante chimed in.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Pft, whatever," Kayden said rolling his eyes. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. He wrapped his arms around my waist and returned it.

We all went and took our seats. I had to sit on stage with the faculty and other students getting awards. After they got threw the many speeches, it was finally my turn.

I walked up to the stage and took a deep breath. I was so nervous. Then I looked up and in the back stood, Venus, Mars, Apollo, Mercury, Minerva and Diana. My nerves promptly left.

Dear Faculty, students and parents,

Today we come forth to leave our childhood behind and become adults. As we enter this world, we must remember that world is greater than we realize.

Look to the world for it holds many answers to our questions and realize we are never alone.

I looked up to see the six of them smiling at me.

We have guiding forces behind us that will never let us down. Trust in that, it will help you succeed. As we venture into the world rely on the people that love you. They will guide through your darkest times and lift you when it's needed.

I looked at Kayden who smiled.

Life is unpredictable but with a little guidance, anything is possible. Thank you.

Everyone stood and cheered. I watched as they turned and walked away before ascending to the skies. I had a feeling they would be back.

Venus POV

Watching Angie stand there and deliver an elegant speech brought happiness to my heart. Zeus may have sent me to the mortal world to learn a lesson but I never expected to learn what true beauty was and Angie possessed it.

I owe her so much for what she and Kayden have done for me. For this I shalt repay them in kind when the time arises. I know they are the right choice. They have shown they are. Till then, I shalt wait.

Get ready we are heading into the homestretch and you will find out what Venus meant. That chapter and others are coming.

Expect a time jump in the next chapter. Because we are moving ahead to see what becomes of our group.

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