All it takes is a push in the right direction

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Venus POV

"Venus, be careful. If you push too much you may end up ruining everything that has progressed," Mars warned me.

"Mars, I must rely on love to see us through. If judgement day is the day of love then I must do all I can to save it, don't you agree?" I looked at him.

"Aye," he spoke.

Now just to help our young lovers out.

Kayden's POV

Valentine's day was three days away and I wanted to plan something special for Angie so I could give her, her Valentine's day gift. The boys were busy planning their own special day with the girls so I was on my own.

I held up the black velvet box and hoped she would accept my gift. Since that day she fell on me, the first day of school, I couldn't picture myself with anyone else. We hadn't seen or heard from Tristan or Suzanne in months so that was a relief.

I had to figure out what exactly I wanted to do, something traditional would be great. I made calls but everyone said the same thing, they were all booked. Great.

Flower shops were sold out. Anything I wanted to do was completely either booked or sold out. This was a disaster.

I prayed that someone took pity on me and helped me out. One could only hope.

Then something was slid under my door. I walked over and picked up an envelope. I turned it over and written on the front was my name.

I turned it over and inside was a reservation to a restaurant on the outskirts of town with a dress code. Along was a receipt of roses purchased and then a key. What was the key for?

Angie's POV

The girls were talking about Valentine's day and what they had planned. Kayden said he wanted me to be surprised. I honestly couldn't wait to see what he had planned.

The girls left and I was trying to figure what to wear on Valentine's Day. I wanted to look special for him. Then I heard something slipped under my door. I walked over and picked up a pink envelope with my name on it.

I opened it and pulled out a note.

Everything is set. There is a dress hanging in your closet with matching shoes for Valentine's day. You will be picked up promptly at two pm to be taken to your destination. Be ready.

You will also receive a gift. In fact you shall receive a few gifts. Enjoy them.

Love is special. It becomes more special between two pure hearts. I know you think love has forsaken you but it hasn't. The people who showed you the wrong kind of love do not truly understand love.

Love is precious. It does not boast. It does not abandon. It revels in glory and forsakes wrongs. It is not rude, it does not resent. It is the ultimate gift one can receive. When you have love, you have the ultimate power. Let your heart guide you to the person who deserves it. Trust me, you will understand when you do.

I looked on the note then something caught my eye. I turned it over and that's when I saw it,

I was wrong. I was selfish and callus and because of it, many people will suffer from it. Please forgive me. I never meant to hurt anyone for now I understand that one's actions can affect more than they know. It took me a while but even a god needs to learn a lesson.


Reading those words hit me. The goddess of love was wrong. I didn't know what to say. What did she mean people would suffer?

I walked over to my closet and opened the door. Inside hung up was the most beautiful red dress I ever saw.

It was so simple but elegant at the same time

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It was so simple but elegant at the same time. It was absolutely perfect. Now I couldn't wait until Valentine's day.

As I looked at the dress in the mirror, my necklace lit up. Then dimmed. That was strange. I wondered what that meant. Nowadays anything was possible.

Venus POV

I ran over to Mars.

"Are we set?" He looked at me.

"Everything is set. If everything goes according to plan then we should be prepared for the day of love."

He placed his hands on my face, I turned my head into them, "Aphrodite, I love you so much."

"Ares, I have been selfish. I neglected my duties and took them for granted. Because of it innocent people will perish. How could I be so negligent to love? I am the goddess of love and beauty but I reveal an ugliness deep inside. I chose to mistreat Hephaestus and cause this to happen," I spoke with remorse.

"This is tis to be true but Hephaestus ignored Zeus's orders because jealousy plagued him. It's his own doing that set this war in motion. There are always consequences to one's actions," he explained.

"But one that I caused. Ultimately I am the catalyst in this and for that I am willing to sacrifice myself to save others. Please do not argue with me. My mind has been made up. It's time I show the world what unconditional love truly means by sacrificing myself to save them. They do not deserve to have their lives ended because we are selfish," I spoke with determination.


Mars didn't argue and trust me he enjoys conflict. He understood why I chose this. It was the one thing I could do to redeem myself. For I am the goddess of love and beauty. It is my responsibility to show the world what love truly is. That beauty resides with it. It does not matter what one looks like. What matters is how one heart is.

I wanted Angie and Kayden to see the beauty of love and the glory of it all. I had one final mission to do before making the ultimate sacrifice. For it would be my greatest gift to them and the world. For it would should show Zeus that I was truly sorry.

I know this chapter is short but trust me, we are heading to the battle and for what happens with Aphrodite. If you haven't figured out who the villain is, you're about to. It's not who you think it is.

Most villains can't be redeemed but this one will be and you will understand after the dust settles. Someone will lose their life in the process and will prove the ultimate sacrifice in regards to love. Get ready because part one is next.

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