Mortals and Gods: A dance to be had by all aka Homecoming

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Angie's POV

"So, I was thinking that you could come to the homecoming game then we could go to the dance," Kayden said to me as he stood by me as I pulled my books out of my locker.

I closed the locker door and looked at him, "why Kayden Michaels are you asking me to be your date?"

He placed his hands on my waist and pulled me close to him, "Actually I am asking my girl to come see me play and dance with me."

I smiled as he leaned in and kissed me. Fireworks erupted. Ever since our first kiss, it was like this. I could never get enough of this feeling.

"Oh look it's the love birds," Mel said with a face.

I pulled back from him and looked at her, "well maybe if you would give Fletcher a chance you could be a lovebird too," I retorted.

"If he wants this, then he needs to work for it," she said with a look.

Emmett and Dante walked up sliding their hands into Gema's and Joana's.

"Where's Fletch at," Kayden asked.

"I think he's asking Gloria to the dance," Emmett said.

"Wait. What?" Mel looked at him.

"Well, when a guy likes a girl, he tends to ask her out," he said.

"No, you doof. What do you mean he is asking Gloria?"

"Well, that's what I heard when I overheard them talking. So, that means he is asking her."

"Oh hell no. Over my dead body," she huffed storming off.

"Dude, what was that," Kayden asked him.

"Well, someone had to light a fire under "he needs to work for it". I mean, really?"

"Is he really asking Gloria," Kayden asked.

"No genius. Emmett just said that so Mel will get the lead out of her ass and actually give him a break," Dante shot back, earning a look from Kayden while us girls laughed.

Emmett smirked and Kayden rolled his eyes.

"You should hear him. It's like listening to a chick. Sort of like you," Dante said to Kayden. "Do you think she likes me? Is she playing hard to get? Why won't she give me a chance?" Dante said in a high pitched mocking voice.

"Between you and Fletch I don't know who is the bigger pansy," Emmett said.

"Nice," Kayden said with a look.

With that we all went to class.

Mel did find Fletcher who was at his locker, "listen her buddy. No one and I mean no one is going to upstage me."

He stopped and looked at her with an arched eyebrow.

"So, if you think you're asking Gloria to the dance, you're sadly mistaken because you're taking me. Got it?"

"And what if I don't want to take you?"

She gave him a look.

"I mean you're hot and all but baby, it doesn't mean I'm going to wait around forever," he told her.

"Excuse me," she said to him.

"You heard me. So, either go out with me and let show you how a lady should be treated or don't. But I'm done chasing," he told her as he leaned back against the locker and crossed his arms.

She glared at him until Venus walked up.

"Hi. I couldn't help but overhear your dilemma," she said to them as Fletcher straighten up and and Mel looked at her.

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