Beauty is skin deep

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Venus POV

I thought about Athena had said. She was Zeus' most trusted god. Was it true, that he stripped me of my beauty to prove I wasn't beautiful at all? Was I that shallow?

I felt two arms wrap around me, "come to bed."

"Do you think I am ugly?"

He removed his arms and spun me around. I looked at him with a crushing look, "no. To me you are beautiful."

"But look at me," I bellowed.

"I am."

I looked at him, "what?"

"I am looking at you. It doesn't matter what you look like. I love you Aphrodite. I didn't fall in love with you because of what you looked like, I fell in love with you," he said as he placed his hands on my face. His touch. It was everything.

He led me back to bed and we made passionate love until we both collapsed. It was at that moment, lying in Ares arms that I realized that no matter what, he loved me for me. Now it was time for me to return the favor with Angie and Kayden.

Angie POV

I was at my locker when I heard someone say, "hey." I turned to see Kayden. I hadn't seen him since the party on Friday. It was now Monday.

"Hey," I said with a soft smile.

"Look about Friday, I just wanted," he started to say but I cut him off, "that was the sweetest thing anyone ever done for me."


"What you did on Friday. Telling Tristan he didn't deserve me. It was really sweet," I smiled.

"So, it doesn't bother you that I hit him?"

"Well, yeah it does but it was still sweet," I said to him.

He stood there looking confused.

"Okay, maybe we should clear up a few things. Do I like the fact you were acting like a caveman? No. Do I understand? Yes. Kayden, I like you but you can't beat up everyone. It doesn't work," I explained to him.

"I know, I know. It's just we were talking and then he interrupted us before I had a chance to ask you out and I got angry."

"Wait. What?"


"Did you say you were going to ask me out?"

"No," he said hesitantly.


"I got to go," he said as he turned and walked away.

"Mars a little help," Venus said to him.

"Sure my love," he said as he motioned his fingers causing Kayden to stop and turned around. He walked back towards me and said, "will you go out with me?"

I looked at him a bit surprise, "sure."

"Wait. What?"

Kayden's POV

I stood there really confused. I was walking away then something stopped me and it felt like a force was pushing me towards her then those words escaped my lips. It was like I didn't have control over my body.

I turned to see Mars and Venus standing off in the distance. Why do I have a feeling they had something to do with this?

"Excuse me," I said to her as I turned and walked away, leaving her confused. I made my way to them.

VenusWhere stories live. Discover now