Gods vs Titans: A Valentine's day chapter part 2

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We stood there as Cronus and the other titans started to move when the rumblings happened and we saw flashes in the sky as they descended to earth. They hit hard upon impact causing the earth to shake immensely.

When the dust cleared, there stood Zeus, Hera, Demeter, Dionysus, Hades, Poseidon and Aletheia. Judgement day had arrived.

We stood our ground as Cronus bellowed, "fellow titans attack!"

Then all hell broke loose.

Angie's POV

We were awoke by everything shaking and crashes. We scrambled out of bed and scrambled to dress. We had to get out of there as things fell around us.

We ran downstairs as mass hysteria erupted in the hotel. Kayden held onto my hand as we made our way outside only to be stopped dead in our tracks.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me away as a battle raged on between the gods and others. I didn't know who they were. We ducked behind a car.

"Fellow Gods and Goddesses, attack!" Zeus ordered as we threw everything at them.

"I call upon the sea," Poseidon proclaimed as water rose and crashed over them sweeping them off their feet.

Hades raised his hand and threw energy balls at another Titan, battling him.

Athena and Ares swung their swords towards a few titans as Ártemis and Apollo shot their arrows landing in their chest. They yanked them out as they fought back.

Hera pushes back as did Aletheia trying to hold them back. Demeter and Dionysus pulled from the earth having vines and nature attack them. They were able to over come the barriers.

Zues took on Cronus firing lightening at him. Things were exploding around us I caught Angie and Kayden behind a chariot. No. They shouldn't be here.

As the battle raged I had to protect them. I had to protect their love. They gave me my powers back. I ran to them.

"Aphrodite!" Zeus yelled.

"I have to save them!" I yelled back as I ran to them.

"Gods rise! Now," Zeus ordered.

Other gods emerged fighting and attacking as I ran to them. They needed to be protected. I needed to save them.

"Aphrodite!" Ares screamed.

"They need me!" I screamed as I reached them.

"Depths of hell, open up!" Hades ordered stomping his foot as a crack began. The earth moved as fire raised and lost souls emerge.

"Life of the sea, emerge," Poseidon commanded as a wave appeared, it swept through as fires erupted as Hermes appeared behind titans catching them off guard while Athena and Ares shoved their swords into them.

The battle raged on as I covered Kayden and Angie. I needed to protect them.

"What are you doing here?" I said to them.

"Kind of hard to go anywhere when there are gods battle other gods and destroying everything in its wake," Kayden snapped back.



"Those are titans not gods big difference. Except the other gods," I corrected him.

"Really? You want to go there why we are trying to live?" He shot back and I shrugged.

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