Dante and Joana, a sophisticated romp

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As I walked I stopped in front of a house. I needed to try and get my powers under control but was having no luck. I took a deep breath as I stood there and contemplated my thoughts. I just didn't realize whose house I was in front of.

Dante and Joana were sitting on her couch looking at their notes as a feeling of desire overcame them. He reached over and pulled her to him, sinking his lips onto hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck as they continued.

He let his lips lick her lips, tasting every inch of them as she parted them allowing entrance. His tongue slip passed them and swirled around with hers as the kiss intensified.

As they continued their lust induced kiss, he moved his hand under top, roaming until it reached her bra, cupping her breast and firmly squeezing it. She let a gasp escape her lips as he continued moving her to the other side.

Her body responded to his touch as she work to unbutton his shirt. He released his hold as she pushed off his shirt. He reached down and taking the hem lifted it off of her, letting it drop from his hands onto the floor.

Then he reached around, unclasping her bra, causing it to release the girls. He stared at her with lust filled eyes as he licked his lips. She returned his look with equal desire. He laid her back on the couch as he got in between her legs.

Taking his hand, he caressed her body, feeling every inch as she responded with a moan. It was music to his ears. He brought his hand down and pushed up her skirt, reveal the ultimate prize. Her golden apple awaited his taste.

He reached up and hooked his thumbs into her panties, sliding them off. He started rubbing her thighs as she groaned from the touch of his soft hands. Then he stared at the prize before him.

"Baby, you are exquisite," he breathed causing her body to respond. "I would love to sample your fruit, if you allow me."

"D-Dante, I-I," she stuttered before getting a chance to finished he plunged face first into her crown jewel. Reaching up and cupping her breasts with both hands, he allowed his tongue to roam her sweet spot, sucking and licking her sensitive area as her back arched.

"Oooooh," she groaned as he continued moving one hand away from her breast and placing it inside. She withered as he slid a finger inside, while letting his tongue and lips do the work.

He removed his hands and lips shortly after as he lifted his head, "tell me what you want baby."

"I-I w-want y-you," she stammered.

He got on his knees and unzipped his pants pushing down his pants revealing his member as it stood to attention.

"Is this what you want?"

"Y-yes," she moaned.

"Do you want me to take your jewel, my sweet apple?" The words were seductive as they escape his lips.

"Y-yes." It was all she could manage.

He pulled out a square package, tearing it open and placing the contents on him then he gently pushed her legs apart as he lowered himself onto her and pushing inside of her.

She gasped as he moved slowly in and out as she clinched his back. It was the most prize possession to obtain. The cherry. He thrust a few times popping it until he felt her move with him. Taking her cherry was an extraordinary feat.

He reveled in every part of it, wanting to fill her glory to the highest power. She desired him as he claimed her golden apple with each thrust. Until they finally screamed in ultimate pleasure.

They laid there catching their breath as she looked at him, her shyness taking over. She tried to hide her face from him as she cover it with her hands and said, "oh god. What did I do?"

"What do you think?" He smirked.

"That wasn't suppose to happen," she whispered.

"Did you not like it?"

She peeked through her fingers to see his confusion. She removed her hands from her face, "I liked it. A lot."

He revealed a smile.

"But what if that's it. I mean. What if you just want one thing?" She looked at him with concern.

He pulled out and sat back on his knees. He reached for her hands and pulled her to him, "look at me."

She looked at his eyes.

"Every guy wants the unattainable. They want the ultimate prize, the cherry from the girl, but I want more. Yes did I want your cherry, of course but I wanted it because I only wanted it and I wanted you."

She gazed at him.

"I desire you Joana but I also love you," he said to her with a look of happiness.

"You love me?" She was giddy at the thought.

"Of course. You one of the few girls that isn't a skanky hoe. I prefer junior to have filet mignon and not some under budget meal," he told her.


He shifted his eyes down and she looked down to see him rising to the occasion.


"Junior has sophisticated tastes. He doesn't just go anywhere. He prefers prime beef," he smirked.

"I think junior deserves some more prime beef," she purred as she climbed on to his lap and lowered her self down. She rocked her hips back and forth as he gripped her hips, thrusting inside of her.

She threw her head back as she grinded on him, letting him pulsate inside of her. It was the most delicious feeling in the world.

As she worked him, he lowered his lips to her breasts, sucking and licking each tip, causing them to perk. Then he did the ultimate thing and moved his hand to her sweet spot as she continued, rubbing his finger against her sensitive spot, making her scream in ecstasy.

He groaned as they both released and stopped to catch their breath. She pulled her head back and looked at him, "I love you my inferno."

"I love you more my beautiful lady," he said as he pulled her to another kiss and became aroused once more.

She climbed off and he position her to face the back of the couch as he replaced the protection and position himself behind her. He placed his hands on top of her as he found his way between her legs. Swiftly he slid inside of her as he placed his lips on her neck, pushing up into her.

"I'm going to do this all night long, my beautiful apple." He breathed.

"Please, my stud, keep going," she purred as he moved his hands to her hips and slammed into her over and over letting her groan as her pearl necklace slapped against her neck.

It didn't take long for them to both released when he leaned over and whispered, "next time, just wear the pearls, shoes and red lipstick and nothing else."

"Mmm," she bummed as he got up and took her hand, leading her upstairs to have some more fun. This was going to me a long night.

I don't know what it was but my powers were all over the place. I could feel lust and desire radiate from the house I am as standing in front of. Something told me this was a clue to what I was looking for.

I decided to keep to my journey before returning to Mars. I needed to figure this out and decide how to handle them. I knew the information was there. I just needed to search deeper. Off I go.

Looks like Venus is having fun with people without her knowledge as she sends people into a lust filled frenzy. Everything is tying in with her powers. Trust me.

You will see conclusion she comes to and how everything will play out. Plus, you will see what the titans and gods have in store.

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