Dante and Fletcher

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We met up with Dante and Fletcher who were standing at Fletcher's locker. We did the usually bro handshake.

"Tell me dumped gimmie girl," Fletcher asked.

"Nothing like getting to the point, Fletch," I said rolling my eyes.

"Well, when you spend hours on the phone listening to your sorry ass whine about her, one can only hope," he smirked.

I gave him a look.

"Oh Fletch, I'm so miserable. I fell like the life is sucked right out of me," he mocked me making a sucking sound.

Emmett and Dante laughed.

"Yeah I broke up with her," I said in a frustrated tone.

He closed his locker, "good, now maybe you can find some like fine wine instead of cheap booze."

"You're a big help," I groaned.

We started walking to class.

"He's right Kay. That girl was nothing but a hassled," Dante agreed.

"Yes I know. Boy do I know," I sighed.

Meet Fletcher and Dante my two most asinine friends. Where there's one, there's the other.

"At least I'm not a manwhore," I said looking at Fletcher.

He gave me a look, "I'm not a manwhore. I just love the ladies and the ladies love me. Can I help it if they prefer milk chocolate over white, since milk is the more prefer choice? I mean think about it. If you ask any girl which one they prefer, they will always pick the milk chocolate."

"That's a disturbing thought. Although now I want chocolate," Dante said.

"You and food Dante. Is there ever a time you are thinking with your stomach," Emmett asked him.

"Better than with my dick. Do you realize how many STD chicks are running rampant around this school? No thanks," he retorted.

I had to admit he had a point.

At one point Fletcher stopped us, "unless, it's one of them." He pointed at Angie and her friends.

I looked at them as they laughed and talked.

"Now that is fine wine," he told me.

"Fine wine that won't even give people the time of day," Emmett told him.

I had to admit Emmett was right.

"Then let's change that," Fletcher decided. I tried to stop him but he was already halfway towards them with Dante and Emmett right behind him. Shit.

"Ladies!" Fletcher spoke in a flirtatious manner.

"Fuckboy," Mel countered.

"Ouch, that hurt," he said placing his hands over his heart feigning shock.

"What do you want," Joana asked unimpressed.

"Well, I was thinking........"

Venus POV

Mars and I walked down the hall and saw some mortal talking to he other mortal. From what I gathered, they were about to ruin everything. Nope, this is my quest and I refused to let anyone ruin it.

So, with the motion of my fingers, I clamped his mouth together, taking him by surprise as did the others. So not amused right now.

"Venus, you do know someone is going to find out what we are doing and alert Zeus," Mars reminded me.

I hated when he was right. Someone was always watching, which irritated me to no end. We may be gods but we also have squealers as well.

I looked at Mars, "fine. Then you do something."

"Fine," he rolled his eyes as he flicked his wrist. The mortal from earlier appeared.

I looked at him and motion dramatically, "that's not what I meant."

"Watch and learn my love. I am the god of conflict and war after all," he smirked.

I looked at him as I turned to see a few more guys emerging. Then all hell broke loose. We stood there watching as they fought and chaos erupted.

"Interesting," I said shrugged.

"All fair in love and war," he said nonchalantly.

"So, how does this help my dilemma?"

"Because mortals are predictable. Give it a minute," he suggested and I watched to see another mortal come out and yell at everyone. Interesting.

While others broke up the fight, Mars and I stood there, watching. At that moment something clicked in my mind, to act like a mortal one must think like a mortal.

It seems the males have this bonding type thing while the females have the same thing. This peaked my curiosity.


"Yes my love?"

"The mortals seem to be connected to each other in some sort of bonding ritual."

"I believe they refer to that as friendship," he explained.

"They are quite interesting in the sense that they have no powers, not immortal, and feel deeply."

"Because they are humans. They were created by each other. This is what you help happen, procreation."

"It seems to me, those four females are wanting to procreated with those four males and vice versus."

"You would know since you are the goddess of love," he smirked.

Then I looked to see another female and male who were lusting with desire for the male and female who were my quest. This could be an issue.

"What are you thinking about my love?"

I looked at him, "I'm thinking that I am going to quite enjoy getting those two together, even if so can't use my powers on them. But Zeus never said I couldn't use my powers on others." I smiled a devilish smile as Mars smirked.

Oh yes, this was going to be fun indeed.

Oh boy. The gods are up to something with our group. Expect craziness to ensue with them. This is only the first day but it's far from over.

Watch as Venus and Mars conspire to bring our two young lovers together. Fate has a funny way of helping people. Either that or the gods are involved.

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