The beginning of the end: A Valentine's day chapter part 1

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Kayden's POV

I got ready and looked in the mirror. I was instructed to pick up Angie around 2. I looked in the mirror and practice what I was going to say to her when I presented her with. I wanted to be perfect. I couldn't wait to see her expression.

Once I was confident of what I wanted to say I grabbed my keys and headed out to pick up my girl. I climbed into the car and something didn't seem right. I did a double take as I noticed a bag in the backseat. How the hell did that get there? I don't remember even packing a bag.

Why do I have a feeling Venus had something to do with tonight?

Angie's POV

I got ready for my date with Kayden. I finished putting the finishing touches on my look when the doorbell rang. Huh, he's early. I walked out of my room and down the stairs, to open the door.

There stood a delivery person holding a bouquet of roses. There must have been two dozen roses there. They handed me the roses with their head down and walked away. That was odd.

I closed the door and and took the roses up to my room.

They walked over to Apollo, "smooth move Mercury."

"What can I say? I'm a sucker for love. Plus, if this helps Venus get her powers back, then so be it," he shrugged as they walked away.

I situated the roses as my doorbell rang again. I grabbed my clutch and made my way down to the door. I opened to find Kayden standing there. I gave him a kiss, "thank you for the flowers. They were beautiful."

"You're welcome. Shall we?"

"Yes," I smiled as I walked out of the house and he followed behind. We got into the car then I saw the bags.

"Um Kayden, why do you have bags in your backseat?"

He turned around and a look crossed his face, "honestly I have no idea."

I couldn't help but giggle.

He pulled out of the driveway and we headed to our destination. He pulled up to a restaurant and we got out walking inside.

The hostess seat us and we took a seat. She handed us menus and we looked through them. These prices were extreme.

Then someone walked over and yanked our menus out of hands, "you won't be needed these."


We looked up and found Diana and Minerva, standing there.

"You're meals have already been order," Diana said cheerily.

"But I can't afford the prices," Kayden said with confusion.

"No need. It's all been taken care of. So relax and enjoy," Minerva declared as they walked away.

We sat there as someone brought out our food, "here you go. Don't ever say I never did anything for you. In fact never say it. Ever." We looked at Mars who walked away.

Kayden and I looked at each other and laughed. Venus was something else. Why did I have a feeling she had more up her sleeve?

Venus POV

Everything was going to plan. It was just a matter of time before my quest was complete. We watched patiently as they enjoyed their meals. I watched the clock. Sundown would be upon us soon as would be the titans.

We stood there as they finished and eventually, I had Apollo deliver their bill was stated paid in full. We watched as they stood and left the restaurant. Good. Now to the important part.

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