Someone is watching: A Halloween chapter

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Angie POV

With Halloween upon us, we all decided to have some fun and what better way than to go haunted housing. The only thing was, was explaining to Venus and Mars what haunted housing exactly was.

We stood in front of the haunted house as the others went to get our tickets and we explained a few things.

"So, what you're saying is you go into that shack and wander around in the dark only to be scared by people in fake attire," she asked me.


"Do you really want to put two gods in a dark abode knowing one has a cantankerous temper," she asked us.

"Good point," Kayden said.

"Why don't we wait where mortals exit," she asked chirpy.

"Sounds good to me," I agreed as Kayden took my hand leading me away.

"You know this would be a fantastic time to have our own little fun," Mars suggested.

"Mmmm, it does but with knowing the problem that has arises we shalt persevere our vision," I said to him.

"Always some type of intrusion to our amorous plans," Mars grumbled. He was incredibly sexy when he was grumpy. Must control lust.

Kayden's POV

We all stood in line waiting to enter the haunted house. I had my arms wrapped around Angie as we waited. I loved this. Doing these things came easy with Angie. She didn't complain and liked to keep things simple.

Th guys were acting like goofballs while the girls we're laughing.

"Aww look at those two. Aren't they just the cutest thing," Emmett asked in a baby voice.

I rolled my eyes as Angie giggled.

Naw, bro, they are so sweet we're gonna need to see a dentist with all the sweetness radiating from them," Fletcher chuckled.

"You boys are terrible," Joana said rolling her eyes.

"Wouldn't be us if we didn't give them shit," Emmett smirked.

"Aww, leave them alone. Who knows maybe their sweetness won't cause all our teeth to fall out," Dante smirked.

I just scoffed. Leave it to my friends to tease me. At least it's not as bad as it was with Suzanne. As the line moved, I noticed Angie fidgeting.

"You okay?"

"Yeah," she sighed.

"You're not afraid of haunted houses are you?"

"What? No of course not," she brushed off. I don't know what it is, but something was irking me. A feeling was nagging at me as we got closer to the entrance.

I watched as the others entered yelling as we walked up the steps. I handed the guy my ticket and he tore it and handed it back to me with the words, "have fun."

"Thanks," I said suspiciously as I took her hand and led her inside.

We walked through the darkness as things popped out at us and so did people. Angie screamed and buried her face into me. She clinched the sleeve of my hoodie. I had to admit that I enjoyed her holding onto me.

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