Fletcher and Mel, sexual healing

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I finally stop walking stop walking to think about information and stood in front of a house. I tapped my finger against my lips as I shifted through my thoughts about Angie and Kayden.

While I was doing this others were busy with other things.

Fletcher sat on the backside of Mel as he massaged her shoulders and back. She let a moan escape her lips as he continued, working his way down. His hands slid across her velvet skin in a skill fashion as he felt every line and curve.

He made it down to her skirt and out peeked the most enticing vision he laid eyes upon. It was like she was calling to him as she peeked out from under that skirt. He could see her thong and cheeks calling to him.

He slid his hands down as he softly brushed against the sight of happiness and heard a gasp slip pass her lips. This caused his pants to become tighter.

He slightly pushed up her skirt and lowered his head, giving her skin a slight tease with his lips. She moved slightly, letting a small groan released. Taking his cue, he roamed a finger to her thing and pulled it slightly away as he moved to her most prize possession.

His tongue slipped past his lips and grazed her skin as she let out a groaned again while she stuttered, "F-Fletcher."

A smile curled upon his lips and he purred in a seductive tone, "you like this baby girl?"

She groaned.

"Want me to proceed?"

"P-please," She stammered.

"As you wish, my velvet bunny," he hummed before lowering his head and working his magic with his tongue as she groaned face first in the pillow.

He lit his tongue slide around, sucking and tasting her sweetness as she gripped the covers in her hands. Teasing her to the height of euphoria, he stopped abruptly. She let out a frustrated groan as he crawled onto backside.

He leaned close to her ear and whispered in a sexy voice, "want me to continued further?"

"Y-yes," She stammered as the pillow muffled her voice.

"Hmmm, let me see what I can do," he hummed as he slid away from her. She heard him undo his pants and push them down. She buried her face into the pillow trying to stifle her groan.

He tore open a package and placed the contents on his manhood. He reached to her hips and pulled them up to him, then pushed up her skirt and lined himself up. With one quick, swift motion he slammed into her from behind as she let out a scream into the pillow.

Then he started moving, slowly, thrusting in and out in a slow method causing her to clinched the covers tighter. Her tightness was heaven to her as she gripped his muscle hard as he moved around in a circle motion, then hitting her sweet spot. She released a loud moan as he continued hitting the spot every single time.

Then it happened, she screamed, "F-Fletcher!" Squirting onto him as he felt his own released groaning in returned. He waited a few minutes before pulling out causing her to collapsed.

He flipped her onto her back as she tried to hide her face, "oh baby girl, don't be hiding now, because we are far from done."

"Oh my," she whispered.

He reached up and pulled off her skirt, tossing off, then hooked his fingers sliding off her thong before maneuvering out of his jeans. He replaced the protection and gripped her thighs as he pulled her to him. He lifted her up and placed her on top of his lap, sliding inside of her.

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