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I got up to shower and get ready for school. All night I was tossing and turning, but because of senior year but because of Suzanne. I had grown tired of her demanding ways. When we first got together, I enjoyed being with her but now she was just a drag.

"Kayden, can we do this. Kayden, let's go here. Kayden buy me this." Her annoying voice kept playing through my head. It was nails on a chalk board. Before I found it cute but now it was downright annoying.

As I showered, I was figuring out how to end things with her. I didn't want to be with her anymore. I wanted more. I wanted someone that saw me more than who I was, popular, captain of the football team, rich, class president. To me those things didn't matter.

What mattered was someone that wanted to be with me.  That saw past all those things and went deeper. I wanted love like my parents had. Is that too much to ask?

As I turned off the shower and opened the shower door, I grabbed a towel and dried off, then the most bizarre thing happened.  A song turned on.

Frankie Avalon's Venus started playing.

I wrapped my towel around my waist and walked inside. I turned it off. What the hell was that? I don't even listen to oldies. I'm more a rock kind of guy.

I went back into the bathroom and started getting changed when I heard the radio came on, I ran into my room and turned it off. Weird.

I went back into the bathroom to finished dressing and the tv turned on playing the damn song. I walked out and turned it off. Then it turned back on by itself. What the hell?

I pulled the plug.

I walked over to the door, "mom!"

"Yeah Kayden?!"

"Are we having an electrical issue?!"

"Not that I know of! Why?!"

"No reason!"

That was beyond bizarre. I pulled on my shoes and grabbed my phone. I'm beginning to think breaking up with Suzanne is what I need so I can get some sleep. Being sleep deprived is not helping my mental faculties right now.

I walked out of the house and got into the car, to head over to Emmett's to pick him up. Maybe he can explain if I am losing my damn mind.

Mars and I walked down a street stopping in front of a bigger house. I stood there looking at it.


"I think my powers are off. Because this is another ridiculous structure."

I looked around and saw a mortal. I walked towards him, "you."

He looked at me, "who? Me?"

"Yes you. Tell me who procreates here," I demanded.


"She means, who lives here," Mars explained to him.

"That's the Michaels residence," he told me.

"Is this Micheals attractive," I asked him.

"I wouldn't know miss, I am happily married," he said to me.

I was getting nowhere. I grabbed him and looked at him in the eyes, "tell me mortal, is there a mortal who lives in this house who has never been in love?" I arched an eyebrow as I smiled.

His pupils dilated, his heart rate and breathing increased. His libido was in full swing.

"Kayden. The boy. He is wanting love but does not seek it from the right source. He is the one you are seeking," the mortal drooled.

"Excellent. When I release you, you will forget me and go make beautiful love to your wife. You will treat her as a queen. Do you understand?"

He looked at my lips as he nodded. I released him and he turned around and went inside. I turned back to Mars, who looked at me, "couldn't resist, could you?"

"That mortal takes his wife for granted. She needs help," I smiled.

He rolled his eyes.

I walked past him as he followed me. This was going to be fun messing with the mortals. If I couldn't use my powers on the ones that needed it, then why not have some fun.

We walked until I found us back at the school. Great.

As I started towards the entrance Mars stopped me, "Venus, wait."


"You can not go in there acting like a god. You have to blend in."

"Mars, Zeus stripper me of my beauty. Why not act like a god?"

"Because mortals aren't suppose to know about us. Now, blend in. Act like them."

"Ugh. That is demeaning."

"Maybe so, but as of right now your stuck. So, suck it up and act normal. Oh and don't refer to them as mortals. They are people," he said as he walked away. When did Mars become so levelheaded?

We needed to get these two, people, together and I needed to go home. Let the games began.

Venus and Mars are about to find out how humans are when they come into contact with teenagers. With Venus around, expect anything to happen.

Get ready because your about to meet the other friends.

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